Maker Faire Rome has always been one of my favorite shows. It brings makers, hobbyists and enthusiasts of all ages and genres together in one place. The ability to show the newest technology and the coolest STEM products is something that can’t be done to this caliber anywhere else. We at DigiKey are lucky to be a part of this great maker event.
Day: September 13, 2021
September 13, 2021
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL DIALOGUE AND… A TV STUDIO: AT #MFR2021 SONY, GOLD PARTNER OF THE EVENT FROM 8 TO 10 October, SONY will be among the protagonists of the 9th […]Sony CSL lands in Rome, twice!
September 13, 2021
AT 13 THEY CREATED THEIR FIRST VIDEOGAME: NOW THEY ARE READY FOR CALIFORNIA AND THE BIG JUMP In the beginning they were just gamers, then they started experimenting, even selling […]Twins get rich playing videogames and pay the...