Maker Faire Rome ha sempre la capacità di stupire: creatività, tecnologia, innovazione e il prezioso contatto con persone curiose e avide di conoscere e toccare con mano nuovi prodotti e soluzioni.
Day: October 20, 2021
October 20, 2021
Multiecosac is a startup that develops products for household waste collection. These include Cinghiotto and Arlecchino, which aim to make household and communal waste collection simpler, more organis...Maker Faire Rome 2021, starring projects | Mu...
October 20, 2021
Maker Faire Rome 2021 dedicated a lot of space to the projects of innovative startups and companies. Today we’re talking about Cling-o-Matic, a Bologna-based startup founded and led by Lorenzino...Maker Faire Rome 2021, six questions for Lore...