1. Promoter and Organiser
1.1. These Regulations concern the “Call for Makers 2024” in occasion of the Event “Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 2024” (hereinafter also the “Event“), (www.makerfairerome.eu), promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome (hereinafter the “Promoter“) and organised by Innova Camera, Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce, with headquarters in Via de’ Burrò, 147, 00186 Rome (hereinafter also the “Organiser“).
2. Object of the “Call for Makers 2024” initiative
2.1. The objective of the “Call for Makers 2024” is to promote innovation, through the diffusion of digital culture and the development of individual and collective entrepreneurship, by rewarding the projects that are deemed most worthy.
2.2. The exhibition event will be in person, while some events (conferences, workshop talks and training events) may take place digitally.
2.3. In compliance with these Regulations, makers who will participate in “Maker Faire Rome 2024” (hereinafter, the “Participant /s“) will be identified by means of a selection.
3. Date and place of the event
3.1 The Exhibition Event will take place from 25th to 27nd October 2024. Conferences, workshops, webinars and other training and information events will be held on dates other than those indicated above. The calendar and detailed organisational methods will be communicated by the Organiser and made known by publication on the website www.makerfairerome.eu.
3.2. The Event will take place, on the dates indicated above, in the Gazometro Ostiense area (Via del Commercio 9/11 – 00154).
3.3. The features of the platform(s) identified for the development of the digital part of the Event will be made known through publication on the website www.makerfairerome.eu. For any technical and organisational needs, the Organiser reserves the right – at any time – to change the day, time and platform of the Event, by giving notice to the Participants well in advance. Participants who have already been selected will be notified of any changes by email and this will be also communicated on the website www.makerfairerome.eu.
4. Recipients of the “Call for Makers 2024” and methods of participation
4.1. Participation in the “Call for Makers 2024” is free and is permissible for individuals, Italian or foreign, natural [1] or legal persons [2], who intend to present their project and participate according to the methods chosen from those listed below:
- Exhibit the project: a space will be provided free of charge, so as to allow the use of exhibited projects by curious visitors interested in the project
- Perform activities (presentations to the public): a physical and / or virtual space will be provided, free of charge, where presentations can be made on topics related to the themes proposed by the Event (please refer to point 7.1), share experiences and perform demonstrations of practical activities (workshops). Considering that Maker Faire Rome is preceded and followed by a series of events and initiatives not limited on the three days of the Event, the detailed programming of these activities could take place on dates other than those scheduled for the exhibition event and on a digital platform that will be communicated directly to the participants and made known through publication on the website www.makerfairerome.eu;
- Perform in public (performance): a physical and / or virtual space or a physical and / or virtual stage will be provided free of charge allowing you to perform in your own creative, technological, robotic or musical performance. The performances can take place in presence during the days of the event or even in the form of a webinar on an earlier or later date, in order to facilitate the use and dissemination among the public.
4.2. Each Participant can present one or more projects and choose one or more ways to participate.
4.3. Activities on site are strictly correlated to the progress of the epidemiological emergency and, therefore, due to the specific containment measures that may be adopted by the Authorities, the Organiser reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify the methods of running the Event (physical or virtual location) , including introducing any limitations to the number of Participants and visitors admitted to the physical location of the Event. The Participants, aware of the unquestionability of the Organiser’s evaluation of the choice and allocation of any spaces for physical events, now renounce the right to raise objections about the choices that will be taken directly by the Organiser in relation to the projects that take place on a stand or physical exhibition area.
5. Methods and Terms for submitting applications
5.1. Requests for participation in the Call for Makers 2024 must be submitted exclusively following the online procedure, by completing (in Italian or English) the appropriate form, which is available in the area reserved for exhibitors on the official website of the “Maker Faire Rome 2024” (https://makerfairerome.eu/), selecting the methods of participation referred to in point 4.1. The submission of the application will take place upon creation of a personal account.
5.2. Requests to participate in the Call for Makers 2024 must be received not later than June 3rd 20th 2024 (extended deadline) h 11:59 pm CEST, except for any extension of the deadline, the provision of which is reserved exclusively to Innova Camera and which will be communicated to potential participants in the “Call for Makers 2024” with the methods it deems most appropriate (Example: publication on the event website).
5.3. All communications between the Organiser and participants will take place using the email address provided during registration on the BOBUILD platform.
5.4.To participate in the Event, each Participant must accept these Regulations.
6. Accuracy of Information
6.1. Participants declare under their own responsibility that all information, data and, more generally, any other material provided in the presentation of the application and/or in any other phase of the “Call for Makers 2024” respect the criteria of correctness, truthfulness and completeness. In the event of changes in the information, the Participant undertakes to promptly communicate them to the Organiser.
6.2. In the event that this provision is violated, the Participants undertake to fully indemnify and hold harmless the Organiser, the Promoters, and the Sponsors from any claim or compensation claim presented by any third party, making themselves exclusively and fully responsible for the falsehoods declared.
7. Topics of the project presented and evaluation criteria
7.1. The projects to be presented may concern, by way of example, the following topics:
- 3D Printing
- Aerospace
- Agritech
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big data
- Biohacking
- Circular Economy
- Digital Manufacturing
- Education
- Health & Wellbeing / Wellness & Healthcare
- IoT & Electronics
- Mobility and Drones
- Robotics
- Smart Cities
- Smart Robotics
With insights and areas dedicated to:
- Art
- Artisans & New Craft
- Augmented – Virtual Reality
- Coding
- Cultural Heritage
- Design
- Fablab
- Food
- Green Building
- Green Tech
- Music
- Recycling & Upcycling
- Robotics
- Science & Biotech
- Sport
- Wearables
7.2. For evaluating the projects presented, pursuant to Article 4.1, the following criteria will be applied:
- The participants must present a working prototype.
- The submitted project must meet the requirements of creativity and originality.
- Projects that actively involve visitors and that show not only the result but also the process of conception and realisation will be preferred.
- The project will also be evaluated on its novelty compared to what may have already been presented in previous editions of the Event.
- As regards the part of the event that will be held on site, the projects will also be assessed in light of the technical and logistical requirements and security risks.
8. Selection of participants for the “Maker Faire Rome 2024”.
8.1. Pursuant to point 4.1, the assessment of accepting proposals to participate is the sole responsibility of the Curators appointed by Innova Camera, who will be able to contact the proposers to request any clarifications and additions that are necessary for the assessment. The decision taken by the Curators will be based on the criteria set out in point 7.2.
8.2. The Curators’ judgment is unquestionable and they are not required to justify their decisions. Therefore, as of now, the Participants renounce the right to raise objections or disputes against the subjects appointed as curators or the decisions they have taken.
8.3. By the end of June 30th or another time that will be announced on the Event website, the acceptance of the participation proposals will be communicated via email to the selected subjects. Any communication relating to the contract, between Innova Camera and the selected Participants, and to the other logistical indications will follow.
8.4. The accepted proposals, relating to the projects’ exhibition, will be followed by the allocation of virtual and/or physical spaces, based on the decisions made by the Organiser.
8.5. In any case, the right to participate in the “Maker Faire Rome 2024” as an exhibitor is completed when the relevant contract is signed. This must take place within the deadline indicated by Innova Camera in the selection communication. If the selected Proponent does not proceed with the signing of the contract, Innova Camera reserves the right to replace it with another Participant included in a special “waiting list” prepared by the Curators.
8.6. With regard to face-to-face events, the Organiser reserves the right to place the projects selected for the exhibition in the area deemed most suitable, with respect of, where possible, any indications or requests from the Proponent, based on the availability of the overall exhibition space.
8.7. The Participant’s admission and the participation of the project in the “Maker Faire Rome 2024” will be free of charge, and there will be no cost for the use of the assigned space. The selected Participant has no right to receive any reimbursement or compensation from the Organiser and from the promoters for the costs incurred attending the Event (by way of example but not limited to, and also with regard to exhibitions on site: expenses event attendance, travel or subsistence expenses, costs for raw materials, preparation or purchase of goods and services instrumental to participation, etc.).
8.8. The Organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to allow the participation of particularly innovative projects that bring content of great value to the event.
8.9. The Organizer, if necessary, reserves the right to place the selected makers also according to criteria of territorial origin, and to customize the graphics of the space with logos of the project’s Institutional Partners.
8.10. During participation in the “Maker Faire Rome 2024“, the sale of products may be allowed according to current commercial legislation.
9. Allocation of spaces through the Call for Makers
9.1. Each Participant whose project is selected will be entitled to have a space assigned
9.2. The Organiser will be responsible for providing details on the time slots for the attendance required for the physical and/or virtual stand during “Maker Faire Rome 2024”.
10. Responsibility of the Participant
10.1. Except if a physical exhibition space set up by the Organiser is assigned, in relation to presentations and / or performances that will take place online , the selected exhibitor will be responsible for finding a suitable space to set up for the exhibition of their own project and for the presentations to the public, as well as for giving any performances. In particular, since it may be necessary to proceed with the recording and transmission of these activities via the selected platform in order to display and give any performances, the space where the registration will take place must be equipped with a stable and adequate internet connection. Furthermore, the Organiser will take care of providing all details regarding the technology kit that the exhibitor must be equipped with to guarantee the minimum quality level for the connections on the virtual platform. The exhibitor is aware that compliance with the technological requirements that will be indicated by the Organiser will be a necessary condition for entering in the contract agreement.
10.2. With regard to physical events participation , each Participant selected pursuant to Article 8 will use the premises where the Event will take place, as well as the equipment made available by the Organiser and/or brought by the Participant themselves, with the utmost care and diligence and will strictly adhere to any indication provided by the Organiser, also during the Event, in order to ensure the safety and security of all Participants. The Participant is required to use the spaces in accordance with the indications and directives issued by the Organiser, as well as any other applicable regulatory provision – safety standards, fire regulations, etc. In any case, the Participant is required to know and comply with the provisions provided by the Organiser. In case of any doubts about the correct use of the spaces, the Participant is required to contact the Organiser, who reserves the power to prohibit the performance of any activity that is contrary to the provisions of this article.
10.3. Under no circumstances may the physical and / or virtual exhibition spaces be used for:
- Carrying out activities prohibited by law or otherwise contrary to public order or morality
- The performance of activities capable of representing danger to things or people present at the Event or hindering or preventing the smooth running of the Event
- Carrying out activities in violation of the rights of third parties, having regard, by way of example but not limited to, trademarks, patents, copyright, etc.
11. General conditions and causes of exclusion from the Call for Makers 2024
11.1. The Organiser will have the right to cancel, modify or suspend at any time the Call for Makers 2024 as all its content, aspect or selective criterion and, moreover, the same is reserved exclusively to them, as well as the right to postpone or cancel the Event for causes of force majeure. In addition, they reserve the right, at any time, to modify the technical methods identified for carrying out the event (including, for example, the platform)..
11.2. The Organiser will also have the right, at its sole discretion, to exclude any Participant who:
- violates the conditions of this regulation;
- attempts to tamper with the participation process or the operating of the “Call for Makers 2024“.
11.3. In any event, the Organiser reserves the right to proceed in the terms deemed most appropriate, and in compliance with the laws in force, to limit and inhibit any initiative aimed at circumventing the selection system.
12. Guarantees and indemnities
12.1. By accepting these regulations with the application form, each person participating in the “Call for Makers 2024” declares and guarantees that the project presented:
- Is original and in relation to this the Proponent has the right to participate in the “Call for Makers 2024“;
- Does not conflict with rights worthy of protection due to third parties, including rights on trademarks and trade secrets, copyrights, rights deriving from contracts or licences, rights relating to privacy and the protection of personal data, moral rights, advertising rights or image rights;
- Is not inherently defamatory or outrageous or contains any content capable of damaging the name, honour or reputation of the Organiser or of any person involved in “Maker Faire Rome 2024“;
- Does not violate applicable laws and does not contain features designed to encourage illegal or threatening, intimidating or harassing behaviour.
12.2. The subjects who will participate in the “Call for Makers 2024” declare, from the moment they submit the application to the “Call for Makers 2024“, to fully indemnify and hold harmless the Organiser, Promoters and Sponsors from any claims or claims for compensation presented by any third party, for the violation of one of the provisions of these Regulations and for the maximum legal deadline.
12.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, by submitting the application, the Participant authorises the Promoters, Organisers and Sponsors to:
- Be able to use your name, company name, your image as well as the name, image and signs that identify the project that is also presented through the publication of the same on thewww.makerfairerome.eu site and other communication tools or on third party sites subject to authorisation by Innova Camera for promotional and advertising purposes that are connected to participation in the “Call for Makers 2024”;
- Make available to the public the materials related to the project on the “Maker Faire Rome 2024” website and other communication tools or on third party sites with the authorisation of Innova Camera;
- Exhibit the project and related materials during any congresses, conferences, and seminars;
- Communicate the necessary information to third parties interested in investing in the development, marketing, and economic development of the project;
- Communicate project contents and contact details to third parties in order to guarantee participation in contests and initiatives directly connected to the Event.
12.4. The Participant is aware that, should they be assigned a physical exhibition spaces, participation will take place at their own risk. The Organiser cannot be considered responsible in any way – except in cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence – for any loss or damage that is a direct or indirect consequence of participating in the Event. Therefore, the Participant undertakes to hold the Organiser harmless and indemnified for any damage, direct or indirect, injury, loss, cost, expense (including legal), sanction, in which the same should incur as a result of the application or action of a third party resulting from the Participant’s violation of any of the conditions of these Regulations or from their negligent or malicious conduct.
12.5. In any case, the Organiser cannot be considered responsible for any damage including, by way of example and not limited to, indirect, consequential, special, incidental damages, or for any damages and/or anomalies that may occur and escape technical control, such as, for example, malfunctions in the management of the computer networks or malfunctions due to defects in the means essential to accessing the online platform on which the Event will take place, or to an improper use of the same.
12.6. The Organiser cannot be held responsible for any problems encountered during the process of submitting the application for participation online or during the Event, caused by the internet loss of the, maintenance work or server malfunction. Each Participant is solely responsible for their own access to the Internet.
12.7. Each Participant undertakes to participate in the Event at their own risk. During the Event, each Participant is required to take all appropriate measures to safeguard their data and/or software stored in their computer equipment from any attack (e.g. by installing antivirus software and firewalls). Among other things, the Organiser cannot be held responsible for any infection by any computer virus or for the intrusion of third parties into the Participant’s IT equipment.
13. Recordings of the event
13.1. The Participant is aware that during the Event, the Organiser or one of its commercial partners will be able to take photographs (including screenshots) and audio-video footage (hereinafter, the Material) of the Event itself and that such footage may be of interest to the Participant.
13.2. The Participant undertakes to provide the Organiser with the requested (release) documentation after being selected.
14. Competition
14.1. The Organiser does not recognise any exclusive right to the Participant.
14.2. The Participant therefore renounces to assert any right, claim or action based on the presence among the Participants of the Event of one or more of its possible direct competitors.
15. Intellectual Property
15.1. The intellectual property rights inherent in the projects presented remain with the Participants, who will be fully responsible for the protection of these rights through the means provided for by the law (application for registration, presentation of a patent application, etc.).
15.2. The Organizer assumes no responsibility in the event of use and / or abuse of the idea or project by anyone who becomes aware of it. The Participant waives the right to make any claim for damages and/or compensation against the Organiser for any reason or cause.
15.3. The Participant therefore acknowledges the fact that the communication, dissemination and/or publication of their works, or part of them, within the Event and/or through means and communication media that may be used for the promotion of the event itself (even after its development), will result in visibility for all Participants of the Event and/or for the community receiving the communication actions.
16. Effectiveness
16.1. The obligations contained in these Regulations will be effective from the moment when the application is submitted.
17. Provisions for the protection of personal data
17.1. The data provided by the Participant and collected by Innova Camera from the moment of the request to participate in the “Call for Makers 2024” will be processed in compliance with the current legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679 and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003) in the manner described in the Privacy Policy.
17.2. The data provided by the Participants, including that relating to the project presented, may be disclosed to third parties for the purposes related to the performance of the “Call for Makers 2024” and, for the same purposes, be disseminated through the publication of the same on the makerfairerome.eu website or on third party sites, with the authorisation of Innova Camera.
17.3. The privacy policy is available at this address https://makerfairerome.eu/en/privacy-policy-calls/
18. Applicable law and competent court
18.1. These Regulations are regulated by Italian law. Any dispute that may arise in relation to the Regulations and the various conditions contained therein, including disputes relating to its validity, interpretation, execution, termination or fulfilment, will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome, so that any other competing Court that could be appointed will be excluded.
18.2. This competition is excluded from compliance with the provisions of Presidential Decree 430/2001 “Competition and Prize Transactions Regulation“, pursuant to Article 6, letter a).
19. Acceptance of the regulations
19.1. Participation in the Call for Makers 2024 implies, for Participants, the unconditional and total acceptance of the rules and clauses contained in these regulations without limitation.
19.2. If the Organiser finds a violation of the rules of the Regulations by a Participant, they will have the right to order their immediate exclusion from the Event.
19.3. These Regulations are prepared in Italian and English. The Italian version shall prevail in the event of any discrepancy between the two versions.
20. Cancellation of the event
20.1. In the event of the cancellation of the Event or change of dates and location for any reason, the Organiser will promptly notify the Participant.
20.2. The Participant waives, as of now, their right to assert any right to compensation for damages – including costs and any travel expenses, accommodation, etc. – connected to the possible cancellation of the Event or replacement of the platform, regardless of the causes or reasons that brought it about.
[1] Only natural persons that are of age are admitted to the Call for Makers 2024.
[2] All legal entities are admitted to the Call for Makers 2024, with the exception of universities (public and private), research or educational institutions or institutes (public and private).
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Last update: May 30th, 2024