Make to Care è nato nel 2016 proprio dalla collaborazione con Maker Faire Rome che da subito ha accolto con entusiasmo la nostra volontà di raccogliere idee che potessero migliorare il quotidiano di chi con coraggio affronta una qualche forma di disabilità. Idee che nascono fuori dai contesti classici dell’innovazione. Negli anni, insieme, abbiamo raccolto centinaia di progetti e prototipi, abbiamo dato voce a spunti davvero rivoluzionari, intercettando, mappando e alimentando l’ecosistema della Patient-driven-Innovation.
Category: Cultural Heritage
March 15, 2024
intricate 3D-printed sand wall decorates museum of the future in dubai The Museum of the Future in Dubai has unveiled a six-metre-long 3D-printed wall made from sand by architect and researcher Bar...The “most intricate 3D-printed wall eve...
October 3, 2023
Planning to visit Maker Faire Rome? Stay longer! Many visitors to Maker Faire Rome stay longer to enjoy the city. Here is a suggested itinerary for first-timers Exploring innovation […]An itinerary to discover innovation in Rome
September 23, 2023
CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE PROJECTS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AT MAKER FAIREME ROMA 2023 Innovators, makers and visionaries promote a circular and sustainable future Today, sustainability has an importan...Circular Economy: toward a sustainable future...
May 12, 2023
ANCIENT ROMANS WERE MAKERS, TOO. HERE COMES 12 OF the best Roman Empire inventions Even now, Ancient Romans development continue to touch our lives and contribute to the world […]12 inventions to thank Ancient Romans for
November 3, 2022
3D printing, multi-spectral lighting, virtual reality, innovative software and open source systems to preserve and promote new approaches to cultural heritage Preserving, promoting and proposing a new...Projects in support of the Cultural Heritage ...