Category: Curiosity
May 31, 2022
Discarded glass can be used to replace sand in 3D-printable concrete Circular economy-inspired solution never fail to amaze, as this news confirms Researchers from NTU Singapore have develope...Discarded glass used to replace sand in 3D-pr...
May 22, 2022
KITCHEN THEORY IS THE PROJECT TO IMPROVE PUBLIC HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION Understand the relationship we have with food by focusing on its sensory and nutritional aspects can be the solution […]Kitchen Theory: improve public health through...
March 21, 2022
too many people still don’t have access to safe and clean water A new project harness the power of the sun to purify water and enable people to a safer […]Harnessing the power of the sun to purify wat...
March 10, 2022
Building custom, modular robots for hostile environments – in days Ross Robotics develops and manufactures modular robot systems suited for operation in hostile environments where the robots are oft...Ross Robotics: how to build modular robots
March 4, 2022
The European debut of the Innova FLANDERS conference, with pure focus on innovation More than 50 innovation experts inspire organizations with exceptional insights. In Belgium soon. Innova Flanders...Innova Flanders: the opportunuty to broaden y...
February 28, 2022
A tool that will help brands measure their performance on issues like equality, diversity and inclusion is due soon Developed in France and open sources, it aims to be adopted […]A tool to understand fashion social impact
January 27, 2022
Amazon is taking another step into the physical retail space The tech giant announced that it is adding its first in-person clothing store dubbed “Amazon Style” to its lineup, joining [&he...Amazon to open its first in-person clothing s...
January 17, 2022
Morhing pasta might efficiently impact on packaging, saving space, money and waste The solution comes from researchers at the Morphing Matter Lab at Carnegie Mellon University. Will producer take on [...The pasta that changes shape and helps save t...
January 12, 2022
Vulnerable to climate change, New York constructs seawall US most endangered city hopes to avoid the worst of climate change by buinding a resiliency plan After major storms highlighted New [&...New York committs to avoid the worst of clima...
January 10, 2022
Coffee waste can emit as much methane as ten million cars every year – Unless we turn it into something different Vietnamese students in Finland produces sneakers from used coffee […]Need a caffeine boost? Wear those sneakers ma...