Category: Curiosity

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  • August 12, 2019
    For the first time, Maker Faire Rome will also feature an “Art” section This year the Maker Faire – The European Edition will launch the new section entirrely decated to […]A JOURNEY THROUGH ART, TECHNOLOGY AND PERCEPT...
    July 20, 2019
    Digital Manufacturing and IT/OT convergence unlocking new opportunities and enhancing efficiency to companies and startups.Digital Manufacturing Moving Forward
    July 19, 2019
    Waiting for #MFR19 today in Barcelona with Alex Braga Today Friday the 19th of July 10:30 - 12:30 Workshop 2 (P4. Level 3) at Sonar D +. #AI #MFR19 at Sonar D + with Alex Braga
    June 22, 2019
    Cultural Heritage brand new topic at #MFR19 together with The Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. Call are on until the 8th of July !Cultural Heritage? What is it and why at #MFR...
    May 31, 2019
    #MFR19 takes you to Space, yet again! Would you like to join the huge Makers for Space area? Don't miss the Call for Makers of #MFR19 and submit your project by June 24, 2019! Makers for Space: back to Space!
    May 21, 2019
    Sam Scimemi unfolded. Interview with the Director of International Space Station to discover the new Gateway Project and the role of Italy. Sam Scimemi: Back to the Moon!
    April 4, 2019
    Robotics: Seoul is set to get a robot museum and the first exhibition on view will be its own constructions, as robots build the new structure: Robotics? This museum is worth the trip!
    April 2, 2019
    Graphene is described by many as the material of the future. will forever change many of the devices we use every day as smartphones, robots and wearables.Graphene: the super material of the future
    April 1, 2019
    Augmented Reality And Geographic Info Show You The Hidden World Helping in Extreme Condition. Learn MoreAugmented Reality & Geographic :The Hidd...
    March 29, 2019
    Water from the air: the device just won the XPrize The new system, called WEDEW (was created by combining two existing systemsWater from the air: the device just won the X...