Exhibitors 2024

Maker Faire Rome 2024: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Luciano Fumagalli

ANGELO: Audio for everyone. Open-source, affordable, customizable solution for hearing loss. A DIY hearing aid for grandparents, assembled by their grandchildren

Medaarch- Mediterranea

Il progetto "La Nuova Era del Made in Italy attraverso la Digital Fabrication", che sarà presentato alla Maker Faire Rome 2024, mira a dimostrare come le tecno

Arianna Panico

“Dynamic” è un concept-device per l'allestimento museale che richiama forme e materiali proprie del lavoro di Carlo Scarpa


Gaya Fior, Carlo Fonda, Marco Baruzzo, Fabio Bensi e Debora Zanolla

Infinity mirror table with Arduino, 3 load cells and a matrix of 20x40=800 RGB LEDs, can detect and show the position of an object placed on it.

Marco Baruzzo e Carlo Fonda

Our 3rd version of a D-I-Y "Wilson's Cloud chamber" particle detector has its own (opensource) PCB, with new functions and controls. Come to see muons' tracks!

Gaia Fior e Carlo Fonda

This tube creates the BORA wind, allowing children and kids to fly small objects (aircrafts, parachutes, etc.) to learn about flight and aerodynamics by playing.

Isabella Giacchi, Giovanni Maria Vecchio, Antonia Lonigro, Francesca Fusco

Scopri "Zooteams", un Serious Game collaborativo al nostro stand! Uniamo divertimento e apprendimento nella formazione online.


Carlo Fonda, Marco Baruzzo, Gaia Fior, Debora Zanolla

A ZX Spectrum never gets old ;-) Eight of them, and a few cables, can even make a LAN! And now you can play multi-user games with the retro look-n-feel of 1983!


Per fare un gioco - Officine Robotiche (AssoInnovazione) - IC Fratelli Cervi

Unique combination of traditional art and new technologies. Artistic and technical contaminations between manual creativity and Robotics.

Benevenuta Enrico - Matteo Olivetti - Elvis Morelli

Interactive dialogue with innovative AI-powered 3D historical characters for immersive, multilingual experiences, using offline with Arduino technology

Giulio Cesare Passali, Mariaconsiglia Santantonio, Giuseppe Maulucci

Real-time Olfactory and Gustatory Assessment via EEG: a new insight in the brain activity behind the chemical senses.

221e is a leading global supplier of intelligent precision sensing solutions for smart devices. Our AI-powered sensor fusion algorithms provide exceptional …

A young, technological and innovative company We specialize in the development of hardware and software and in the design of boards and systems for the world …

gruppo Ipsar "Costa Smeralda"

Lo scopo è la progettazione innovativa di preparazioni culinarie stampate in 3 D, un mondo poco esplorato della digital fabrication tutto da esplorare.


Controllando gli sforzi secondo modalità innovative e ottimizzate attraverso la combinazione di topologia, composizione del materiale ed effetti di scala

Daniele Pannone, Riccardo Olivieri, Matteo Cese, Simone Zannini, Mirko Politi

La soluzione AI su misura per il tuo business: dallo sport alla sostenibilità, innovazione e analisi avanzate per far crescere la tua azienda.

Desana, Izzi, Della Giusta, Gianoncelli, Aimo, Fenoglio, Borrello, Penna, Russo

The project is characterized by interdisciplinarity and involves contributions from multiple fields of legal knowledge and economics.

Responsabile: Silvia Conforto con: Daniele Bibbo, Flavia Forconi, Ilenia De Meis, Maurizio Schmid

Monitoraggio ambientale mediante sensori indossati da piccioni viaggiatori.

AbIntra sc

Dai più piccoli agli adulti tutti potranno vedere e sperimentare tecniche antiche e proposte contemporanee per un museo che cambia e diventa il nostro futuro.

Politecnico di Torino – DIMEAS – HMI Research Group

ADD-MATE senses the forces the user exerts on the handrims and provides directional thrust via a steerable driving wheel mounted to the wheelchair frame

Stefano Benedetti

Amplificatore per Chitarra a Valvole Total Recall


Adiconsum is a Consumer Association with over 38,000 members, formed in 1987. It is present in all the Italian Regions with over 160 Territorial Information …

Centro di Ricerca "E. Piaggio" e Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Università di Pisa

Cobots with advanced general purpose grippers equipped with sensors working in smart warehouses and quadrupedal robots for monitoring unstructured environments

Gabriel Valentin Cristescu

Transforms spatial data into musical sounds and adjusts audio for better navigation and communication for the visually and hearing impaired.

Antonello Longo, Pierluigi Longo, Germano Pansini, Cataldo Guaragnella

AI-based system to control drones' flight with the use of hands and perform spectacular aerial evolutions.

AIKU research team

aiku is the research centre of Ca' Foscari University of Venice dedicated to the interaction between culture, creative processes, and entrepreneurship.

Valeria Pia Vevoto - Massimiliano Ferrante - Francesco Mauro - Silvia Liberata Ullo

Evaluation of the Rome environmental urban parameters in the last 24 years from different in-situ and remote sources

AKG Robotics

Two projects made by students: aneasy-to-make interactive table and a smart pot to grow happy plants in

Antonio Idà

in agricoltura il futuro è gia oggi, con colture innovative in grado di cattura CO2 e rilasciare ossigeno.


Jan Thar

We want people to lure people into the Makerspaces by animating them to rebuild projects instead of buying things.

For over 45 years, we provided service and technical solutions for demanding customers. We we are specialized in board testing offering innovative solutions …

The mix of ALLNET brand and distribution makes us a distributor with a very special offering. We offer everything from ALLNET branded products to products fr …

Oriol López, A. Eddarai, A. Montiel, A. Garmendia, Z. Amrane, I. Sánchez, Y. Campoverde, J. Vega.

Car lights and motors power management by Arduino and more...

Emilio Destratis & Loris Caffaroni

The first tasting assistant for menus, food, and beverages, guiding guests through the discovery of the stories behind every flavor.

Space V

The Adaptive Vertical Farm (AVF) is a vertical greenhouse for growing vegetables in Space, a very new and pioneering field.


Level Up s.r.l.

AnReAL è il primo laboratorio di fisica in Realtà Aumentata per visori Meta Quest. Permette di studiare il moto di oggetti reali con misure e visualizzazioni AR

Apogeo Space is an innovative Italian SME focused on building a constellation of picosatellites to provide a global telecommunication service for the IoT (In …

Mario Baioli, Luca Ribichini, Vincenzo Ciardo

Applicazione della fotogrammetria per la stampa 3D nella produzione di plastici architettonici; Lo studio di Antonio Canova a via Ripetta (2023, Musei Vaticani)

AquaMEA team - LSDV

Explore aquatic ecosystems with AquaMEA: Arduino monitoring station. Engage students, promote STEM, inspire innovation!


Francesco Colasanti

A project that enhances cultural heritage in an innovative, inclusive and sustainable way.

Federica Vacatello, Stefano Roccella, Andrea Vannini

ArcheoSystem: un drone per l’archeologia indoor

Valter Spanu e Diego Chiabrando, Fablab Cuneo

Giochi interattivi per bambini sviluppati con Arduino.

Arduino is the leading open-source hardware and software company in the world. Born to provide an easy-to-use platform for anyone making interactive projects …

gruppo fermodellistico tartaruga

movimentazione del piano binari di stazione con l'ausilio di Arduino


Stefano Di Domenico, Irene Nepita, Matteo Santoliquido, Franco De Cian.

The perfusion system is based on Arduino boards and makes it possible to keep organs alive outside the body for a while, enabling various types of research.

Della Design.

Arduino ( and compatible boards) Shield Interface for Televisions and monitors (HDMI cable interface)

Roma Tre Landscape Archaeology Lab - ARGUS team

Il progetto utilizza tecnologie avanzate come modelli digitali, droni e IA per monitorare e 'curare' beni culturali remoti, coinvolgendo la comunità locale.

A. Di Donato, R. Savastano, V. Moccia, F. Canonici, M. Ciucci, A. Amodio, V. Camomilla

RACE uses wearables to characterize horse-rider interaction and monitor horses’ health status.

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 8.35.03 pm