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SUNRISE: L'alba dell'Internet sottomarina
SUNRISE: L'alba dell'Internet sottomarina

SUNRISE: L'alba dell'Internet sottomarina

Creating the ‘Internet of Underwater Things’ is a crucial challenge that is strategic to the future of humanity. Thanks to the international project FP7 SUNRISE, seas, lakes and rivers will soon create large digital highways for data transfer from sensors, robots, AUV and next-generation vehicles capable of performing tasks usually too dangerous for humans. These include environmental monitoring (e.g., underwater volcanoes or geological faults), de-mining, surveillance and protection of submerged archaeological sites, and searching for new oil fields.

SUNRISE: L'alba dell'Internet sottomarina

FP7 SUNRISE. Project coordinator: Prof. Chiara Petrioli

Prof. Chiara Petrioli is Full Professor in Computer Science at University of Rome “La Sapienza” where she serves also ad Director of the Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems laboratory (SENSES lab) and of the CIS Cyber Physical System laboratory. She is a founding partner of "La Sapienza" spinoff WSENSE S.r.l.
Her research interests focus on the design and optimization of wireless, embedded and cyber physical systems on which she has published over a hundred papers in prominent international journals and conferences (h-index 29, i-10 index: 79, over 3600 citations). Over the years her research has influenced industrial products and led to several real life deployment of innovative sensing systems in areas which span from structural health monitoring of bridges, underground tunnels, and historical buildings, to precise agricultural, to environmental and marine parks monitoring.
Prof. Petrioli has an intense international activity. She serves in the editorial board and in the organizing committee of some of the most prominent publication venues in the fields of sensing systems and mobile computing. She is member of the steering committee of ACM SenSys, program co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2016, workshop co-chair of ACM MobiCom 2014, general chair of ACM SenSys 2013. She has been member of the steering committee and associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, member of the executive committee of ACM SIGMOBILE, and has been program co-chair of leading conferences in the field such as ACM MobiCom and IEEE SECON.
She has also been PI of over twenty national and international research projects, and is serving as coordinator of two EC projects (FP7 projects GENESI and SUNRISE). She has been member of "La Sapienza" spinoff committee, and regularly serves as reviewer for the European Commission. Prof. Petrioli was a Fulbright scholar.

Data updated on 2024-09-18 - 2.41.49 am
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