Exhibitors 2016

Non c'è acqua da perdere: H2ino
Non c'è acqua da perdere: H2ino

Non c'è acqua da perdere: H2ino

The project we propose is the combination among entrepreneurship, school and digital (PNSD Action # 18) and it emphasizes the idea that water is a precious commodity which should not be wasted!
At the present The Sogea Rieti Company – waterworks management has the need of monitoring in real time and at a low cost, the water pressure on some waterworks junctions to detect possible water leaks.
The water supply situation must be queried via web or via app from their employees in order to take action where it is necessary.
As concern the company's proposal for the waterworks, our school offered its assistance with a group of the Technical .-Technological Institute (electronic and electrotecnical department) students and two teachers to carry out the project. It has also been a good experience of combined study/work experience
The work concerned the following steps:
- Analysis of the Sogea-company Rieti waterworks management specific demands
- the choice, in cooperation with the company, of the pressure sensors to employ
- Hardware implementation of the system and selection of the type of the transmission DATA detected (WIFI, GSM / GPRS)
- implementation of the firmware and software for web interfaces and Android.
-Testing of the system at school through a prototipe simulating the pressure variation
- System testing in a water supply junction (under construction)
- Implementation of the Hardware and software of the various junctions (under construction)

Non c'è acqua da perdere: H2ino

Classe IV ind. Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica articolaz. Automazione; I.I.S "C. Rosatelli" di Rieti

The group is composed of two students of class IV and two teachers they are passionate about Arduino, Open source and Maker Culture.

  C32 (pav. 9)
Data updated on 2024-04-09 - 4.17.20 pm