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k-NOW-casting - Innovation in rainfall related risk monitoring
k-NOW-casting - Innovation in rainfall related risk monitoring

k-NOW-casting - Innovation in rainfall related risk monitoring

k-NOW-casting is a disruptive Decision Support Service - DSS, to manage emergencies caused by extreme weather events, based on the analysis of Smart Rainfall System – SRS’ measurements. SRS is the only nowcasting system (IT patented, EU pending) providing real-time spatial rainfall maps on a detailed scale, by means of the analysis of satellite television’s signals, received by commercial parabolic antennas. Real-time evidences on hydrological risks related to intense rainfall are provided integrating SRS with other real-time sensor networks (monitoring e.g. rivers’ level and landslides).

k-NOW-casting - Innovation in rainfall related risk monitoring


Prof. Daniele Caviglia. He graduated in Electronic Engineering and specialized in Computer Science at the University of Genoa (UNIGE) in 1980 and 1982, respectively. In 1983 he joined the DIBE Department of UNIGE - as Assistant Professor (1983-1992) and as Associate Professor (1992-2000) - where his research activities mainly concerned MOS device modelling, VLSI design and development of VLSI CAD tools. From 2000 he is Full Professor of Electronics at the same University. From 2002 to 2008 he served as Head of the DIBE Department. His main interests are now in the field of electronic circuit design for Health, Security and Environmental Monitoring. He is Cofounder – President of Artys, in charge of R&D&I activities.

Eng. Alessandro Delucchi [male]. He graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Genoa, and has technical, managerial, and administrative expertise. In his professional experience he has held technical roles of gradually increasing responsibility, from functional analyst and system architect to Project Manager and Program Manager. He is Cofounder – Managing Director of Darts and Artys, in charge of planning and implementing corporate strategies, with responsibility for the management and control in the administrative area.

Eng. Andrea Caridi [male]. He graduated at Télécom-ParisTech ENST engineer school and in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Genoa, and has strong competences in telecommunications systems and advanced ICT technologies. He cultivated an important European experience since 2007, performing R&D activities at DLR (German Aerospace Centre, Munich, Germany), and Thales Alenia Space (Cannes, France). He developed functional competences working, in Paris, on innovative ICT projects. In 2011 he attended the intensive course “Europroject Management” at Sole 24 ORE Business School, acquiring specific skills in the management of projects financed, directly and indirectly, by the European Community. He is Business Development Manager of Darts, and Cofounder – Head of Marketing of Artys.

Eng. Claudio Montecucco [male]. Born in 1967, he graduated in Electronic Engineering in 1995 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genoa (UNIGE). Until 2008, he performed R&D activities in Italian companies. Since 2008, he collaborates with the Faculty of Engineering of UNIGE in R&D projects (electronic system design, architecture design of measurement and control systems, Wireless Sensor Networks and RFID applications). He is Cofounder of Artys, in charge of the HW development.

Prof. Andrea Randazzo [male]. He is Associate Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the DITEN Department of the University of Genoa (UNIGE). His primary research interests are in the field of innovative algorithms for electromagnetic imaging, analytical and numerical methods for solving direct and inverse scattering problems, antennas and propagation, and smart algorithms applied to electromagnetic problems. He is co-author of more than 150 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings and he is involved in national and EU research projects related to applied electromagnetics. He is Cofounder of Artys, in charge of the methodology and algorithm definition.

Prof. Giancarlo Parodi [male]. Born: 1948. Academic Background: Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering (1973), University of Genoa (UNIGE), Italy. Full professor of "Electronics" (retired) – UNIGE. Teahing competences: Methodologies of electronic systems design, Instrumentation and measurement systems. Research activities: Electronic systems design, Architectures for measurement and control systems. He is Cofounder of Artys, in charge of complex electronic systems design.

  A16 (pav. 6)
Data updated on 2024-09-16 - 4.20.36 am
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