Il potere del Maker Faire Rome. Anche per noi docenti Maker Faire è un momento di incontro, confronto e formazione. L’interazione con le realtà scolastiche di tutta Europa ci consente di avere un feedback costruttivo sulle nostre attività.
Exhibitors 2016
Result for TAG "Energy & Sustainability"
Alexande Shusmky
Innovative muscular electro-stimulator, for recovering/improving a grip movement.
Costume made splint for FUNCTIONAL and MOTIVATING rehab!
Designed to be managed independently!
Connect and share for smart mobility for everyone. 2Hire offers a bundle, hardware and software, to control and manage vehicles remotely
Christoph Laimer
3d-printed brushless electrical motor with approximately 100W power and 70% efficiency. Copper wire, permanent magnets and shaft are not 3d-printable. in contrast to other 3d-printable motors this motor has enough power to drive for example an RC-car.
Inventori: Dott. Ing. Stefano Graziosi & Dott. Ing. Paolo Albi
A.R.G.O. 2.0 (robotic assistant on ordinary day)
A.R.G.O. 2.0 is the personal assistant to do:
- transporting of goods
- following of targets
- Interacting with the surrounding environment
Acea is one of Italy’s leading multiutility companies. Listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1999, it manages and develops
networks and services in the …
Classe 3CCH, Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova - Nome del gruppo: AE SPACE HERBS srl (impresa formativa simulata)
Our project is based on a new aeroponics system for cultivation of food plants, pharmaceutical or at high value-added plants.
Davide Balbi ed il Team di Agricoltura 2.0
Turnkey solutions for the Aquaponics out of soil cultivation with IoT.
a Lab in the AIR
3D CAD models, lego models and citizen engagement for a better local air quality.
ALLNET.ITALIA is a Value-Added IT Distributor specialised in innovative IT solutions. It was founded in 2000 in Bologna, Italy. It has a strategic alliance with …
Team Arrhenius
The solution to our cold problems, Arrhenius the heater band, try to believe.
Guglielmo Lisi
BambooBiciLab is the Italian project that provides the knowledge and tools to build your own bamboo bicycle.
Team AR DREAM: Andrea Spedicati, Rodolfo La Tegola, Elena Balestra, Mariangela Mele
Be Hive3D brings to the world ecofriendly wooden 3D-Printed houses built in a modular honeycombed way.
Simone Cardillo - Lorenzo Conti - Jacopo Spiridigliozzi - Bruno D'Amata - Alessandro Del Signore - Fulvio Socia
Biopile is a growth of cells controlled system for organic crops in the house.
And 'modular, elegant and quiet, it has independent incubation of seeds and the growth of plants in a controlled micro-pristine and protected system.
Maria Teresa Giardi, Giovanni Basile, Laura Moro, Mehemt Turemis, Gianni Pezzotti, Edith Coronado, Vice Soljan
The project aims at the development and integration of the biosensor systems containing various algal strains and bacterial bioreporters to control the quality of water and the process of purification in waste water plans
Marco Santarelli Kistewandern
BiroRobot, a patented robot, that run a diagnostic real-time assessment of the energy consumption habits in different kind of buildings.
Sintegy S.r.l.
Bottle and Book become one. Slim shape, reusable, a design object, innovative materials, supports social initatives: the innovative waterbottle that inspire and express you!
Sune Pedersen
Faraday Motion is an open platform for personal electric vehicles based on advanced but simple-to-use hardware, software and 3d models.
Francesco Meles, Irina Vetere
"Insects for feed, your future need" nutritive supplements and cosmetica for the beauty and the wellness of people and animals.
Giuseppe Santangelo, Fabio Topani, Claudio Becchetti a nome del gruppo Making 3D Printer for 3D World
3D printing using plastic caps and non-industrial consumer devices: a new production process.
Davide Tranchina
use the worn tires to create the filament for 3D printers
Doc Servizi is the Italian cooperative society leader in Europe in the cultural and artistic field with 30 branches spread throughout the whole Country. Doc Se …
- 3D printing
- 3D scanning
- Arduino
- Art
- Artisans & New Craft
- Crowdfunding
- Cultural Heritage
- Drones
- Education
- Energy & Sustainability
- Fabrication
- Fashion & Wearables
- Food & Agriculture
- Games
- Hacks
- Home Automation
- Internet of Things
- Kids & Education
- Music & Sound
- Open Source
- Recycling & Upcycling
- Robotics
- Science
- Steam Punk
- Wellness & Healthcare
D16 (pav. 7)
Hydroponic system with control system, powered by ENI LSC (Luminescent Solar Concentrators) technology.
Alfonso Coppola
E-Round is a innovative traffic roundabout, born to replace common roundabout located in our cities to generate electric power through natural sources.
2nd Epal Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Smart Internet Of Things platform for providing better services to patients, visitors, doctors and other hospital personnel.
Elettronica Open Source
Elettronica Open Source is a blog providing innovative information, projects and tutorials in many fields of Electronics and Technology including electronics de …
Buzz Technology Limited, London
Automation that works for everyone - not just a small minority - to help create a better world.
Claudio Critelli
Ener-watch is first ever pocket-sized powerbank for Apple watch and main Android smartwatches
Energy tree, the photovoltaic tree for stand alone solution, lighiting and video-survelliance for parks, private and public green areas.
Alberto Tessaro
ENESSERE Hercules Wind Turbine is a vertical axis wind turbine that converts kinetic wind power into clean electricity.
Materials utilized are wood, carbon fiber and marine grade stainless steel: a design that is the combined result of wind engineers and created with the skillful hands of expert craftsmen. ENESSERE Hercules Wind Turbine has a power output of 5 kW, optimum height of at least seven meters and is suitable for the average electricity consumption of a family household.
Tomas Diez
A FAB City is a new urban model for locally productive and globally connected self-sufficient cities.
Collettivo Cocomeri
Felfil Evo is a plastic filament extruder, that will allow anyone to autoproduce the filament for their own 3d printer, using plastic wastes, wrong 3d printed elements and industrial pellet.
Mirco Piccin, Matteo Ferrario, Turi Virgillito
Gioco della cartotecnica: choose your object from a touch cardboard panel, after a few minutes the machine will give you your object ready to be folded and assembled!
Aldo Daniele Dominici - Niccolò Cerizza
GlareSmile is your first automatic 3D toothbrush. It brushes your teeth in 10 seconds providing the right technique. Always.
Luka Mustafa & Institute IRNAS
GoodEnoughCNC machines are simple, affordable and useful open hardware cnc machines built with standard parts, which can be assembled with basic hand and power tools in any garage.
5AE e 5AM ITIS A. Volta di AL
Foosball with automatic goalkeeper. Application of high-performance linear drive, high-speed vision system and PLC controller for the general and HMI interface management.
Harvy is an IoT solution: make a wall interactive through widgets connected to the cloud, powered through energy harvesting tecniques.
Alessandro Varesano, Enrico Grillo
Healthy solar experience. Cook better and natural with the sun!
With the help of expert chefs everyone can try solar receipts.
SENZA BENZA IIS Ferrari + Casa Corsini
Celerifero is a 3 wheel velobike Z.E.V (Zero Emission Vehicle) with electro-muscolar, human power propulsion for light urban mobility.
Infineon Technologies AG
Electronics made easy with Infineon's "toolbox" (Arduino): Join us and get to know what Infineon can offer you to make electronics easy, for example with Arduin …
k-NOW-casting: innovation in rainfall related risk monitoring by means of the analysis of satellite television’s signals, received by parabolic antennas.
The Kerosene Lantern 2.0 of LITER OF LIGHT might be the solution to the energy poverty in the developing countries
PoPlab + John Volpato
Stand-alone architectural lamp for horizontal and vertical façade systems. During the day it filters light and stores energy, during the night it lights up.
Pietro Moscetta, Felice Nibaldi, Gary Gasbarri
For the first time the Makers will have a new Arduino programmable device: a WiFi RGBW led light bulb!
Prototype Solar Laser made with a giant fresnel lens (approx 1 square meter.).
Diva Tommei
Lucy by Solenica is a lighting system that brings sunlight into your home to improve the comfort of your environments.
Francesco Ficili
Modular System for implementation of IoT applications.
Mouser Electronics Inc.
Mouser Electronics is a worldwide leading authorized distributor of semiconductors and electronic components for over 600 industry leading manufacturers. We spe …
Massimo e Mattia Cestra
Aquarium + Hydroponics, controlled by Arduino and app
Classe IV ind. Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica articolaz. Automazione; I.I.S "C. Rosatelli" di Rieti
A low cost and real time monitoring of the water pressure in Rieti waterworks. Data available via smartphone or web.