Exhibitors 2017

Category "Universities"

Luciano Zingali, Alberto De Capua, Alessandro Villari
#1M.A.D.E. is an immediate and flexible concept and aims to position itself in the market as a new structure for Temporary Spaces.
  F12 (pav. 6)

+ ABILITY is made from stories. A story made of ideas. Ans ideas, made of projects. Because "making is for all! really for all!"

Giuseppe Dalfino - Giuseppe Castellano - Fabio Sallustio
PersonGene applies studies on the variability of drug response in relation to the genetic factors involved in the processes responsible for the pharmacokinetics and/or action mechanisms of a drug in the body.

Giovanni Saggio (Ideatore e coordinatore), Vito Errico (Sviluppatore hardware), Franco Giannini (Consulente), Carla Cenci (Comunicazione e Disseminazione), Mariachiara Ricci (Tester), Antonio Pallotti (Tester), Fabio Pietrobono (Sviluppatore hardware), Fa
We improve your autonomy powering your ability.
  A9 (pav. 6)

+LAB TEAM (Prof.ssa Marinella Levi, Gabriele Natale, Michele Tonizzo)
3D printer for the production of three-dimensional materials in continuous fiber composite material

Alessandro Arturo Bruzzone, Doriana Marilena D’Addona, Margherita Monti, Ivan Rosciano
Lego-like Reconfigurable Machine Tool with a modular work volume, diverse technologies integration capability and plug and play characteristics

StudioBliquo, formato da Zeno Menestrina, Angela Pasqualotto e Adriano Siesser, con la collaborazione di Andrea Conci
Bugbits is an interactive artifact for the exploration of museums, which identifies colors and reacts with sounds and lights.

Chiara De Angelis, Dalila Niespolo
The child can learn how to handle simple electronic circuits (sounds, led lights, sensor functions).

Roberto Previtera, Leonardo Mariani, Edoardo Datteri
CoderBot: a new is a versatile, easy-to-program robot, designed for didactic applications in primary and secondary schools.
  F16 (pav. 6)

Mauro De Sanctis, Ernestina Cianca, Simone Di Domenico, Alberto Caponi, Tommaso Rossi
Human activity recognition system based on the analysis of the wireless communication channel.

Andrea Turolla, Manuela Antonelli, Marco Carminati
An Innovative Miniaturize Sensor for monitoring the fouling of water pipes and tanks for the Smart Cities of the Future

Tiziano Pagliaroli, Roberto Camussi
The project is focused on a R&D activity to develop a quite engine for drone propulsion
  A12 (pav. 6)

Lucia Livia Barone
DROP is an elderly person assisted mobility device. It is designed to facilitate the elderly person during the walk so as to guarantee greater physical autonomy and a more independent life.

Rita Asquini, Emanuele Mieli, Roberto Ascione
An electrified bike scratched using Arduino Uno

L’Università degli Studi Roma Tre ed Enel Energia S.p.A.
University of Rome Tre and Enel Energia S.p.A have developed and implemented the first community electric car sharing.

Prof. Venere Ferraro
Electronic Nose Device is a wearable device for workers that operate in unhealthy work environments such as Coating Plants.

Virginia D'Augusta
The project idea arises from the need to take care of their pets during absences with an interactive game that increases mental activation.

Vincenzo Ferrara, Margarita Cinzh, Andrea Pietrelli, Fabrizio Frezza, Massimo Mazzetta
An educational cheap radar that can be use to track the distance and the speed of detected moving objects.

Casini Francesca, Bartoli Manuel, Guida Giulia, Malavolta Walter
Option 1(pubblicitario) – Caratterizzazione geotecnica di terreni artificialmente congelati, al fine di ottimizzare la tecncia di AGF Option 2 (tecnico) – Cella triassiale avanzata per effettture prove termo-idro-meccanica a controllo di temperatura e di carico.

Davide Orlando, Michele Sorgi, Simone Mantione, Paolo Spada, Jasmeen Giura, Eleonora Dessy, Giulia Clabassi, Francesca Fanelli, Beatrice Gallucci, Margherita Labriola, Valeria Vitale, Chiara Ngo Dinh, Giacomo Ferrara, Giulio Soana, Adele Clausi, Laura Not
An Android application to find a thematic itinerary in Rome.

Alexander Shumsky,
Personalized, 3D printed device for the rehabilitation of the upper limb based on muscle electro-stimulation

Sylvain Lefebvre
IceSL is a state of the art slicer (STL => G-code) with advanced modeling and slicing capabilities.

EAST (European Association for Solar Telescopes)
The big 3D model with video in augmented reality of the EST, the European Solar Telescope

I principali partecipanti e finanziatori del progetto sono 3 importanti poli Universitari Europei, l’Università di Berna, e le Università di Roma La Sapienza tramite il Dipartimento di Neurologia e Psichiatria, e l’Università degli Studi di Roma To
The Web InsideOut platform shows information about adolescents’ distress using Social Web-Mining techniques on their micro-blogging activities.
  A9 (pav. 6)

Vincenzo Dentamaro - Paolo Rotolo - Anna Labellarte - Umberto Cataldo De Pace
Intellihearts is an analytics and visualization platform for real-time prediction of cardiovascular diseases, composed by a wearable and cloud platform(deep-learning). In 2008, 30% of the world's deaths were caused by heart problems. Intellihearts is a platform for storing, analyzing and visualizing real-time heart problems, consisting of a device (a watch) that measures electrocardiogram (ECG), cardiac frequency, blood pressure, oxygenation and patient / user history and a cloud platform for the real-time classification of arrhythmias and other types of cardiovascular problems. The platform is based on deep learning algorithms for the correct classification of each beat.

Sofia Tedeschi, Niccolò Colafemmina, Valeria Pappalardo
Keepy is smart T-shirt that can detects heartbeat and muscle motion, the data are readable trough app mobile developed for Android.
  A5 (pav. 6)

Gabriella Cincotti, Marco Marsan, Massimiliano Lucidi
Students of the Biophotonics course in Rome Tre will demonstrate biological experiments using the We-Lab microscope and spectrophotometer.

Zendri Giuliano, Rosi Tommaso, Formilan Giovanni, Serafini Sebastiano
“Maker-lab at school” is a portable maker laboratory for the school, aimed at fostering prototyping and experimental science.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matematiche - Università degli Studi di Siena (Alessandro Pozzebon)
The Inernet of Things for the sea: a Smart World to study coastal erosion

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” LU4R è il risultato della collaborazione tra il Semantic Analytics Group dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata e il Laboratory of Cognitive Cooperat
We present LU4R, an adaptive spoken Language Understanding for(4) Robots: the interpretation of commands depends on linguistic and environmental aspects.
  A9 (pav. 6)

Giuseppe Ferrò, Luca Boncagni, Daniele Carnevale, André Neto, Filippo Sartori
A new real-time control architecture for plasma fusion reactors has been customized for robotic systems. As an application, a 6DOF robot is controlled via kinect

Massimo Cavacece
We propose mobile robots that have more commonplace in commercial and industrial settings

A new wearable system for the ergonomics measurement of a workplace

Università di Tor Vergata
The My Camp orientation project allows you to get to know the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" using the augmented reality on smartphones / tablets.
  A9 (pav. 6)

Giorgio Manzi
Let's discover our origins through the 3dprinted model of a Neanderthal skull.

Dario Asciolla, Tiziano Fiorucci, Elena Grosso, Carla Marzullo, Alessandro Scaramella, Federico Semeraro, Simone Stramaccioni, Alessia Zibecchi, Marco Ottavi
Nemesys is an experimental project sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA) that studies the effects of cosmic rays on electronics.

NEMO, New Materials For Optoelectronics
3D printing: breaking technology in tissue engineering to simulate the natural environment of a cell and thus develop custom biological tissues.

Domenico Colucci - Vincenzo Dentamaro - Giangiuseppe Tateo - Marco Bicocchi Pichi
Nextome technology (patented) is based on the low-energy Bluetooth technology and iBeacons standard infrastructure; plenty of company are evolving their structure installing these technologies. The innovative algorithm of Nextome uses advanced techniques of artificial intelligence to receive, categorize and analyze signals and identify the user’s position in the room. It allows to catch a standard precision around 1,50 mts without need to be connected to the network; the same app makes calculations on your phone.

Nunzio Liso
The robot “Nubu” is a robotic arm rivisited for social interactions between humans and smart objects.

Marco Tomarelli, Gianluca Nardo, Lorenzo Artibani, Stefano Di Febbo, Alessandro Capannini, Flavio Ottaviani
“Orto 2.0” is a service that gives the opportunity to everyone to have a personal garden farmed by expert people, living in the city and being able to check, manage and control through application and website.

Nathalie Debaes , Tine De Pauw, Hugo Thienpont
PHABLABS4.0 is an European project that stimulate young people to innovate with photonics, the technology of light.

Giovanni Organitini
A train the trainers activity to teach physics in schools with Open Source Boards and Smartphones
  A10 (pav. 6)

Emanuele Bonamente, Franco Cotana, Andrea Nicolini, Sara Rinaldi
Pipenet is an innovative and sustainable solution to optimize the transportation network and relieve heavily-congested road transport corridors.
  F11 (pav. 6)

On the link is available the list of all realities involved in the project: http://www.playmarchesrl.it/index.php/it/chi-siamo-playmarchesrl
The project tells the area of province of Macerata to children through language of game and support of new technologies.

Giacomo Viccione, Maurizio Cimmino

Giuseppe Palestra
Robot4Children has developed an integrated robot-software solution coupled with an innovative approach to assisting children affected by autism spectrum disorders.

Coordinatore: Paolo Merialdo (Roma Tre) Stefano Leonardi (La Sapienza) Giuseppe Italiano (Tor Vergata) Emanuele Panizzi (La Sapienza) Stefano Carrese (Roma Tre)
The public universities of Rome (RomaTre, TorVergata, LaSapienza) in collaboration with a global tire company have organized an open innovation project, to develop mobile apps to improve driving safety.

Università Roma Tre - Dipartimento di Architettura con Devoto Arredamenti - Fab Lab Roma Makers Coordinamento progettuale: Prof. Stefano Converso, con Lorenzo Fei. Studenti: Aru-Belli, Balzano-Casale-Mattocci, Bartozzi, Bonucci-Dzoba, Castroni-Iachella
An Open Source Park, with “bottom-up” furniture produced digitally at Fab Labs in Rome, Italy. Think global, fabricate locally!
Data updated on 2024-09-13 - 11.37.06 pm
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