Exhibitors 2017

Strumento musicale
Strumento musicale

Strumento musicale " No touch"

This project is a “no-touch” musical instrument playing musical notes by the “musician’s” hand motion only, without ever making physical contact with it.
By increasing the hand distance from an ultrasound sensor which is connected to Arduino, the generated sound frequency increases too.The generated sound can be reproduced either by a buzzer or by a loudspeaker.
This musical instrument allows the frequency and the sound duration to be modulated and their values graphics displayed on a PC that is connected to the Arduino micro-controller.

Strumento musicale

Classe 5H a.s. 2017/18 - Indirizzo: Manutenzione a assistenza tecnica - Articolazione: Elettronica - I.I.S.S. "Agherbino" Putignano (Ba) sede di Noci

The class group that has taken part in this project consists of four students attending the fifth year of Istituto”Agherbino-Putignano” in Noci , service and customer care oriented, relating to electronics.
This past school year the group, part of a larger group, attended the course "Arduino microcontroller: we create electronic applications" within the “enhancement” activities organized by our Institute.
The students involved in the project, had all the prerequisites to be able to follow an advanced course, having already acquired, in previous school years, knowledge of electronic components and sensors and proficiency required by the Ministry guidelines.
During the course the basic concepts of ARDUINO micro-controllers programming have been introduced and the idea of this project first came up, taking the cue from automotive parking sensors operation.

  C23 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-04-09 - 4.17.20 pm