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Banco per la sperimentazione su componenti e sistemi oleodinamici

Banco per la sperimentazione su componenti e sistemi oleodinamici

A novel test bed has been set up to carry out experimental activities on valves and hydraulic systems. The apparatus allows carrying out various experimental investigations, both in stationary conditions and in transitory conditions.
In addition to the analysis of the flow-pressure behavior, the bench is designed to conduct optical diagnosis of the flow of piloting sections, with particular attention to the phenomenon of cavitation, which is visualized with the help of high speed video techniques or with strobo-imaging techniques.
The bench is based on a modular architecture, thanks to which the various functions such as the electric drive, the conditioning and the filtration of the fluid, the high pressure circuit and the flow test sections are inter-connected in a single structure.
The high pressure section is based on the use of two delivery lines, each served by its own pump connected to a couple of independent first motors. The lines are designed to perform analyzes both in the absence and in the presence of pressure pulsations.
The management of the automatic bench functions has been implemented on open hardware (Arduino UNO); the main functions concern the automatic management of valves for pressure and flow control, the management of pump speed control and the management of the hydraulic fluid thermoregulation.

Banco per la sperimentazione su componenti e sistemi oleodinamici

Jacopo Fazioli, Daniele Onofrietto, Giorgio Possenti, Fulvio Palmieri

Jacopo Fazioli was born in Rome (RM) on 29/03/1991. He was graduated from high school in 2010 at “Liceo scientifico statale Louis Pasteur” (Rome). In 2015 he obtained the Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at “Roma Tre” University. At the moment he’s completing the Master’s degree in Mechanical engineering at the same university.
Daniele Onofrietto was born in Anzio (Rome) on 8th July 1992. He took the high school diploma at L. Trafelli in Nettuno (Rome) in 2011 and continued his studies at ‘’Roma Tre’’ University, where he graduated on 21st October 2015 . Currently he is completing the Master's degree in mechanical engineering at the same university
Giorgio Possenti was born in Albano Laziale (Rome) on 5/11/1991. He took the high school diploma at G. Vailati school in Genzano (Rome) in 2010. In the same year he began his mechanical engineering studies at "Roma Tre" University (Rome). He obtained the bachelor’s degree in 2015. Currently he is in the final phase of the master's degree course in mechanical engineering at the same university.

  C10 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-09-16 - 10.30.42 am
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