Exhibitors 2018

Result for TAG "Cultural Heritage"

Jasmin Velagic, Dinko Osmankovic
The proposed module uses Scanse Sweep rotating 2D laser to build 2D map, while employing a standard Pololu MinIMU-9 to obtain angle information that is used to associate 2D planes to 3D environment. It is easily connected to standard ROS environment, and can be installed on any robotic system of any type, e.g. Octorotor UAV etc.

The project aims to acquire in 3D the naturalistic material present in museums and universities

Davide Tranchina
3D rappresentation of the tallest building in the world

Claudio Crescentini, Davide Tranchina
3D rappresentation of the building that in the 2020 will be the tallest building in the world

Institutional Assets And Monuments and The Arc/k Project
We are working on the production of a 3D Museum of Cultural Heritage with the 3D archives of a World Heritage site by Unesco.

Carmelo Occhipinti, Federica Bertini, Alessandro Marianantoni
This project gives access to visual art by adapting famous paintings into a tactile paintings

Massimo Esposito, Luigi Gallo, Ignazio Infantino, Umberto Maniscalco
Due intelligenze artificiali creano AI4museum, dando vita ad un robot ed un sistema olografico interattivo per una esperienza innovativa di beni culturali.

Akhenaton is an innovative holographic system presenting 3d virtual models and allowing the interaction with them through gesture recognition.

Simone Lucchetti, Giulia Catalani, Antonio Mirandola, Massimiliano Storgato, Andrea Gallo, David D'Hallewin
Scientific and technological project aimed at creating an interactive model for a design prototype for reconstruction.

A. Benedetto, F. Bella, F. Benedetto, A. Calvi, F. D’Amico, L. Bianchini Ciampoli, M.G. Brancadoro, S. Cera
Methodology for detecting and valorizing the hidden archaeological heritage, through geophysical surveys, 3D reconstruction and augmented reality.

Giuseppe Coletti, Giancarlo Panico, Gennaro Cirillo
The best free app to help consumers recognize the authentic Italian food everywhere and to support Italian wine&food companies to sell more abroad

Tecnici superiori dell'ITS TAM di Biella
New perspectives in clothing with fabrics based on agri-food fibers and wool; the excellence of the territory combined with research for the textiles of the future.

Cristina Corsi, Ciro D'Elia, Mario Molinara
Sensing applications (environment, security, smart-cities, archaeology) and processing (data-mining, AI, IoT) allowing the transformation of data into fruitful information.

Alcuni Studenti della classe IIIB del Liceo Artistico "G. Manzù" di Campobasso e del Liceo Scientifico del Convitto Nazionale "M:Pagano" di Campobasso
It consists of a WEB APP whose aim is to let users know and remember "something" that could be deleted by time.

Il progetto Design, design ovunque! è a cura di ADI, ADI Lazio in collaborazione con CONI. Ci sono progetti selezionati da ADI Lazio: • AMARCORD, lampada, Martinelli Luce. Design: Adolini+Simonini, http://www.martinelliluce.it/prodotti/product/563/1496
Design, design everywhere! In this section you will find products and services for the home, sport and everyday life that until recently we would never have imagined to be able to use today. Many of these have been recognized by ADI, including those which have won the prestigious Compasso d'Oro Sports Award sponsored by CONI, all of which are the result of that particular culture that is exclusive to good design and which combines aesthetics and functionality. Discover together with ADI the future that is already here with us.

3DiTALY, Formlabs
3DiTALY and Formlabs illustrate a series of case histories on 3D printing applied to the restoration of artworks in the Museums.

Leonardo Notaro, Mario Baioli, Luigi Pardo, Olivia Erthler, + allievi del liceo artistico E.Rossi e Via Ripetta di Roma
Transformations of tessellated spaces, constructions that M.C. Escher called "metamorphosis", which suggest full worlds, without empty spaces, in continuous transformation.

Associazione di Promozione Sociale Sinergie
The silk production chain: innovation and technology in order to make silk thread for hand craft items made in Italy.

Colture microbiche e prodotti di origine microbica e vegetale selezionati e messi a punto per biorisanamento e biorestauro

Davide Fiori, Daniele Alberti, Lorenzo Merlotti, Giulio Carlassare, Pietro Nonis
PALMO, THE FIRST WEARABLE DEVICE FOR COOKING Palmo has been conceived thinking of human interaction in environments where manual skill and technique are applied to food preparation. The goal is to increase the perception of reality thanks to the combination of sensors integrated to strategic points in the hand and an App designed specifically for the execution of recipes and preparations.

The Teleprinter world and its old network as it was yesterday and how we bring it back to life in today's Internet era. It is possible to chat with a teleprinter made in the 50's and connected to a network of collectors around the world from Australia to Europe or Canada or you can punch your name on a punched tape. You can send an email to an old telex machine and see how it prints it.

Paolo Merialdo, Donatella Firmani
The project aims at building a Knowledge Graph extracting facts from medieval manuscripts.

Make a Shape
Make a Shape is an innovative and brilliant company, specialized in the production of filaments for 3D printers in which young minds invent, test and continuou …

Gli Studenti del secondo anno del percorso ITS Servizi alle Imprese per il marketing e l'internazionalizzazione
Narni in an immersive and accessible experience. The first medieval smart city. The Middle Ages of Narni accessible all year round and to everyone

Studenti del Liceo Scientifico C.Cavour (Alternanza scuola-lavoro). Responsabile del progetto: Arch. Alessandra Carlini.
Prototyping of creative geometry kits at the School FabLab. Detachable Apollonius cone made with 3D printer

Jasmin Velagic, Dinko Osmankovic
The developed heterogeneous stereo camera module contains a standard RGB and thermal cameras, and Odroid embedded system which is used for sensor data fusion and image processing and analyzing. The system provides a precise detection of thermal features while also extracting these regions in RGB image to detect roofs, windows, doors and similar object where heat is usually lost in the buildings.

Claudio Crescentini, Davide Tranchina, Salvatore Tranchina
Rise of kings is the first board game in the world that, in addition to being "set" as a videogame and playable through the use of an app, has been conceived and created within a Fablab.

Noemi Proietti, Valeria Di tullio, Donatella Capitani
Portable Magnetic Resonance for the non-invasive and non-destructive study of food and plants.

Smart Lab
3D rapresentation of the olympic neighbourhood of Rome. Scale 1:2000

Secure shelter is a system for real-time structural monitoring of buildings and historical assets to be protected and promoted

Ilaria Giannetti, Tullia Iori (SIXXIGames) Claudio Intrigila, Paolo Bisegna, Nicola Antonio Nodargi (SMS)
SIXXI3DLab designs, with 3D printing, scale structural models (SMS) and serious games (SIXXIGames) increasing knowledge on Italian Engineering Heritage

Visual Computing Lab – ISTI CNR
Advanced technologies for innovative cast-based digital fabrication, Tensegrity design e processing models for 3D printing

Sviluppo Campania S.p.A. - Regione Campania
Sviluppo Campania is an in-house company of Regione Campania. Its mission is to contribute – under the Regione Campania guidelines – to carry out plans, pro …

Alessandro Paglialunga - Superelectric Srl
systemONE is a hyperspectral/mulristectral/thermal sensor for UAVs for Precision Agriculture, Environmental, Pollution Monitoring, Archeology, Utilities and Critical Infrastructures Monitoring.
Data updated on 2024-09-16 - 12.49.50 am
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