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Agroalimentare: mangiare salutare e buono si può? Prodotti di qualità, sicuri e rintracciabili

Agroalimentare: mangiare salutare e buono si può? Prodotti di qualità, sicuri e rintracciabili

METROFOOD-RI - Infrastructure for promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition is a new distributed Research Infrastructure aimed to promote scientific excellence in the field of food quality and safety. It provides high-quality metrology services in food and nutrition, comprising an important cross-section of highly interdisciplinary and interconnected fields throughout the food value chain, including agrifood, sustainable development, food safety, quality, traceability and authenticity, environmental safety, and human health. METROFOOD-RI mission is to enhance quality and reliability of measurement results and make available and share data, information and metrological tools, in order to enhance scientific excellence in the field of food quality and safety and strengthen scientific knowledge, also promoting scientific cooperation and to integration. The general objective is to enhance scientific cooperation and encourage interaction between the various stakeholders, as well as the creation of a common and shared base of data, information and knowledge.


Claudia Zoani

CLAUDIA ZOANI - Graduated in Chemistry (Curriculum "Analytical Chemistry") in 2005 with a thesis on the bioavailability of toxic elements in soils, she obtained a PhD in Analytical Chemistry on "Quality of Chemical Measurements for Food Safety, the Environment and Workplaces", and then she concluded the courses & research activities of a second PhD in Agriculture, Food and Environment. Researcher at the ENEA Biotechnology and Agroindustry Division, Specialist on atomic spectroscopic and mass spectrometry techniques and Metrology, she conducts R&D activities on Reference Materials and Methods; measurement uncertainty; food quality, safety and traceability; chemical risk assessment. Tutor for graduation, PhD and fellowships. Member of the ISO REMCO WG17 Liaison Coordination, Eurachem WG on Reference Materials, IMEKO TC23 Metrology in Food and Nutrition, UNI Committee General Metrology, and Group of Experts Framework contract Lot 3 - EP/EXPO/B/FWC/2019-01. She is one of the 10 Italian experts on Circular Economy selected by the Italian Ministry for the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) for the participation to the Comité des Dix-Italie - Sommet des Deux Rives initiative. Awarded with the Premio Leonardo UGIS for “research and its communication” on 2014. She is the Coordinator of the Research Infrastructure METROFOOD-RI – Infrastructure for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition, included in the ESFRI Roadmap 2018 for the Domain Health and Food.


CHIARA NOBILI - Researcher at ENEA Casaccia Center. She graduated in 2000 in chemistry from “Sapienza” University of Rome which conferred her in 2010 the title of research doctor in Botany at the Laboratory of “Plant Pathology”. This experience allowed her to become an expert in plant and pathogenic fungi metabolomics. Nowadays she carries out studies on food sustainability, quality and safety through the characterization and the quantification of bioactive metabolites using chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods. These activities are conducted in the context of collaborations /national and international projects. Dr. Nobili is the author or co-author of peer-reviewed publications in international journals and books and is also the coordinator of the "food waste" working group within the "Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform" national mirror of ECESP. She coordinates the scientific programme in PACKCHAIN a project financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development whose objective is the development and use of innovative compostable and biodegradable PACKaging systems for improving the shelf life of fruit and vegetables products, and blockCHAIN technology for traceability along the supply chain.

OMBRETTA PRESENTI - Political Science Degree. Researcher - Communication and dissemination activities. Since 2005 she has been involved and specialized in valorisation of research results, technology transfer and innovation. She has been involved in several EU projects carrying out communication and dissemination activities and socio-economic surveys - using quantitative, qualitative and participatory methodologies- and developing participatory approaches.

GIUSEPPINA DEL SIGNORE - Researcher at the ENEA Biotechnology and Agro-industry Division - Dept. for Sustainability (SSPT-BIOAG), currently she works on the organization, promotion and communication of the technical-scientific activities.

Data updated on 2024-09-11 - 6.33.26 pm
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