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Campania: un hotspot per l'innovazione

Campania: un hotspot per l'innovazione

Campania: a hotspot for innovation

In the last 5 years, Campania Region has achieved significant results in the field of research, innovation and startups, which consolidate its competitive position in the country system.
The data show evidence of this trend.

  • third region in Italy for innovative startups (1023 units), rising from fifth to third place in the last 4 months. Fifth in Italy for innovative SMEs (over 130). Naples is the third city in the country for innovative startups (from 5th place in 2015 to 3rd in 2020). Furthermore, Campania is the second region for startups under 35.

  • second region in Italy for growth rate of SMEs in the last 5 years (+ 26.6%) and first in the South for SMEs. In particular, ahead of the Mezzogiorno and sixth in Italy for biotech companies (6.6% of Italian biotech companies);

  • first region in the South and seventh in Italy for investments in R&D (+ 3.0% compared to 2015, against + 2.6% of the Italian average), number of researchers (+ 3.8% compared to 2015).

  • first region of the South in terms of contribution to the added value of manufacturing (over 30% total), up by 13.2% since 2015: 4 percentage points more than the Italian average (+ 8.7%) and the average for the South ( + 8.9%). In Campania, the high-tech sectors contribute about 47% of total exports (+4.8 compared to the previous year);

  • third region in Italy for university students enrolled (12.1% of the national total) and first for annual increase (+ 3.5%), first in the South in terms of number and growth rate (+ 36.4%) of graduates in the last 10 years.

Sviluppo Campania, in-house company of the Campania Region, has as its mission the implementation of plans, programs, projects and tools to promote the competitiveness and development of the territorial system. In particular, with the THREE-YEAR OPERATIONAL PLAN FOR THE ENHANCEMENT, STRENGTHENING AND OPENING OF THE REGIONAL R&I ECOSYSTEM, based on the POR FESR 214/2020, it intends to enhance the Campania ecosystem of innovation, encouraging listening, comparison and participation of Campania stakeholders.


Regione Campania - Sviluppo Campania S.p.A.

Data updated on 2024-09-16 - 5.31.12 pm
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