Un viaggio stimolante nell’ecosistema della trasformazione digitale. Maker Faire Rome concentra in tre giorni una panoramica delle tendenze emergenti e delle dinamiche che stanno guidando l’innovazione e la trasformazione digitale del Paese. Osservare la risposta dei visitatori alle proposte degli espositori è un’iniezione di ottimismo.
Exhibitors 2021
Category "Universities "
Donato Politan, Irene Ventura, Ludovica Bigozzi, Roberto Ceccaroni.
"lombriCOMPOSTiera", the new community composter that is sustainable, biomimetic, educational and tecnological, that produces high quality compost.
Alessandra Di Giacomo
The proposed project involves visitors in the creation of a multifunctional promotional gadget
Massimo Barbaro, Silvia Loddo, Paolo Meloni, Marco Tanca, Riccardo Carboni, Francesco Marcato, Augusto Mura, Roberto Ruda
ACUADORI is an easy-to-use platform for water monitoring of vineyards based on novel wireless biosensors with no impact on farming activities.
Alma Mater Studiorum - Universit di Bologna
A space where knowledge blends, cultivating competences that help develop new entrepreneurial ideas: AlmaLabor is a Maker Space a prototyping laboratory for creating prototypes for your business idea, as well as a Co-working and training space.
Francesca Fiore
ApeLab is a mobile FabLab, an itinerant experimental laboratory for social innovation at the service of the local community. All set up on an Ape Car..pink!
Michelangelo Nigro , Monica Sileo, Domenico D. Bloisi, Francesco Pierri, Fabrizio Caccavale
Applications of collaborative robots based on artificial vision and machine learning for object manipulation, detection and grasping.
Prof.ssa Carmela Saturnino, Prof. Magnus Monn e dott.ssa Federica Giuzio
We show how phylogenetic analysis is useful for the initial screening of SARS-Cov-2 sequences to check for phylogenetic clusters.
Monitoraggio Ambiente Marino e Terrestre - Conservazione della Natura (MAGIAMARE - SIENA)
New deterrent devices to reduce interactions between sea turtles, dolphins and fisheries
LESIM Universit degli Studi del Sannio, STAKE Lab Universit del Molise, Regione Molise, DISC S.p.A., .ModaImpresa S.r.l., Consorzio Italia Cooperativa sociale
The ATTICUS project aims to realize a hardware and software system for monitoring non-invasive vitality and behavior of users.
Prof. Luca Maria Neri
New photonic system analyzing the lipid content in hematic cell membrane as an innovative diagnostic marker for several diseases
Prof. Carlo SANSONE; Prof. Gian Luca MARCIALIS; Prof. Donato IMPEDOVO; Prof.ssa Donatella CURTOTTI
This is a proposal that - exploiting an integrated interdisciplinary approach of computer engineering, law and psychology - aims to contrast the actions of bullying and cyberbullying, the last great challenges of modernity
Saperi & Co, will coordinate Sapienza projects at Maker Faire Rome.
Giovanni Colaneri, Mario Baioli
Winding machine for FDM filaments managing and trasfering
Michela Ceracchi
The prototype to explore the illusionary perspective space: chose your combination, take a photo of the result! Which one is better?
Renato Paciorri
The proposed device is based on an Arduino Mega connected to a sensor that measures the concentration of O3
Stefano Maria Mari, Luciano Teresi, Roberto Maieli, Antonio Budano
Do you want to specialize in artificial intelligence? come and visit us!
DHLab Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre
How can ICT empower Humanities? One question, different answers for Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, History, Art History and Philology.
Prof. Giorgio Dalpiaz
New multisensor system integrated in a mechanical drive for diagnostics/ prognostics of problems and end-of-life cycles
Sandra Chistolini, Sara Navarro Lalanda
The project invests in knowledge, creates multimedia educational products, gives opportunities to learn about the use of digital technology.
Elisa Gusai, Andrea Zedda, Salvatore Spanu, Giulia Baldazzi, Marco Caruso, Stefano Bertuletti, Andrea Pibiri, Marco Monticone, Andrea Cereatti, Danilo Pani.
DoMoMEA implements an innovative telemonitoring approach to guarantee a fair access to rehabilitation services to all patients.
Anti-glare safety device for motor vehicles. protects from the suns rays, from car headlights and the artificial lights
Laboratorio CG3HCI (Prof. Lucio Davide Spano)
Create your Virtual Reality environment configuring templates by inserting contents and defining how it works using rules.
Francesco Margheriti, Marco Chianura
Design and development of an eco-sustainable cosmetic products from waste materials and formulated with completely green and vegan excipients and manufacturing processes.
Prof. Michele Pinelli
New technologies of fluid machines and hydraulic components to be used in power transmissions that use eco-friendly fluids
Carmine Stefano Clemente, Daniele Davino, Immacolato Iannone, Vincenzo Paolo Loschiavo
Energy harvesting makes possible the feeding of wireless sensors where and when it is needed.
Camilla Gironi e Sara Muscolo
FLUID is a system of phygital interfaces for human-machine interaction in the field of intelligent manufacturing.
FabLab Poliba in collaborazione con MArTA
Fablab and museum experience for a haptical awareness of cultural heritage
Luciano Teresi
Interact with mathematics and create art: challenge yourself with IMAGINARY!
Domenico Daniele Bloisi in collaborazione con Multipartner spa
We are working on innovative methods to remove sensitive information from both implicit and explicit data in digital documents.
Prof.ssa Simonetta Pancaldi
Phytodepuration plant which, by means of autochthonous microalgae, reduces the nitrogen and phosphorus load of waste water
Our research aims to improve human-robot collaboration using new technologies such as augmented reality and human motion tracking.
Responsabili: Ilaria Giannetti, Andrea Micheletti - Team: Alessia Bisconti, Gabriele Mattei, Alessia Terrezza
Lasercut origami structures is a multidisciplinary research and educational project dedicated to the 'file to factory' design of origami structures.
Adriana Postiglione, Ilaria De Angelis
What is gravity? How do planets, stars and galaxies move in the Universe? Lets find it out together!
Prof. Emiliano Mucchi
Gymnastic exercise machine for people with motor difficulties and reduced walking ability
Universit dell'Aquila - Leonardo Guidoni, Alice Lemmo, Davide Ubaldi, Silvia Baccaro, Antonella Malatesta
A real videogame to learn Math by playing. It is suitable for kids (7-13) and their innovative teachers.
Massimo Squillante, Vincenza Esposito, Gerarda Fattoruso
The aim of the project is to build a methodological prototype suitable to manage the quality control of production processes and organizational structure of production processes
Discover the relations between the actors of oxidative-stress related system and the dietary and lifestyle habits that affect its equilibrium
Donato Abruzzese, Alessandro Tiero, Andrea Micheletti, Srey Mom Vuth, Pier Luigi Abiuso, Carlo Marocchini, Davide Bracale, Piera Cammarano, Mauro Di Giulio, Sara Ferrari, Gian Marco Grizzi
A system for permanent real-time wireless monitoring of the stress state in structural elements of new and existing buildings
Annalisa Di Bernardino, Valeria Jennings, Giacomo Dell'Omo, Enrico Cadau, Marco Cacciani
Development of low-cost microsensors for real-time meteorological and air quality monitoring.
M.Uras, R.Cossu, E.Ferrara, L.Atzori
PMA solution uses the radio fingerprint emitted by digital devices during daily activities to understand how we move, what attracts our attention and how we socialize.
Gianfranco Romanazzi (project Coordinator), Antonio Ippolito (RU leader UNIBA), Davide Spadaro (RU leader UNITO)
StopMedWaste reduces loss and waste of fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic plants by physical means, natural substances and biocontrol agents
Francesco Tommasino, Chiara La Tessa, Emanuele Scifoni, Marco Schwarz, Stefano Lorentini, Matteo Perini, Giorgio Cartechini, Remo Cristoforetti, Andrea Eccel
The primary objective of the project is to implement objects made with Additive Manufacturing and 3D-printing in a clinical and research context.
Gabriella Lima
The research focuses on the perception of the materials used for the design of the surfaces, made with biomaterial
Sabina Bigi
The LIFE RESPIRE project has created an economical and ecological solution for the real-time measurement of radon concentrations
Elisa Nicolia
By imitating the hygromechanical properties of pine cones that react to the change of humidity in the air, this experiment makes use of 4D printing for the programming of natural hygromorphic compounds: the transformation of these modules is integrally integrated into the printed architecture thanks to the control and the design of the printing direction and the manufacturing and assembly method of wood (active layer) and fiberglass (passive layer). This experimentation envisages a potential application in the architectural field for membranes and roofing systems
Lorenzo Lovaglio
The Sapienza Flight Team was born with the aim of designing, developing and building remotely piloted aircraft (UAV)
Valerio Lomanno
Presentation of some rocket models and slides about team projects, including some renderings and blueprints of a hybrid engine and various rocket components
Alexander Pontecorvi
Construction of a probe that is launched by a rocket at about 700 meters above sea level and then proceeds with a controlled descent
Natascia Kurek
Design and build robotic systems similar to those used for space exploration