Exhibitors 2021



SMurphy is a reinterpretation of the game of the marble track whose movement was managed by a steering wheel. Our version is totally digital in that the movement of the track on which the balls run is generated by the movement of the players body moving on a tilting platform placed on the floor. The obstacles overcome and the score obtained by each player are viewed on a display.


Culmone, Ottaviano e TaschettiITET Rapisardi Da Vinci Caltanissetta.

The group consists of three third-class students of ITET "Rapisardi Da Vinci" - Institute for Computer Science and Telecommunications. The members of the group have distinguished themselves for their skills in C++ and Java programming and in the implementation of home automation and automation equipment. During their course of studies they have developed an interest in applications involving the use of platforms such as Arduino and have become skilled in 3D modeling and PCB prototyping to create electronic circuits.

Data updated on 2025-01-24 - 1.26.36 pm