Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Recycling & Upcycling"


The first eco-boat built by students with recycled materials to sail the Adriatica Sea in a non-competitive and crazy race.

  J.2.09 (pav. J)

Donato Politan, Irene Ventura, Ludovica Bigozzi, Roberto Ceccaroni.

"lombriCOMPOSTiera", the new community composter that is sustainable, biomimetic, educational and tecnological, that produces high quality compost.

Michelangelo Maugeri - IT Archimede di Catania

The project allows you to recycle polymeric materials, saves on the cost of reels, producing the filament for 3D printers.

Fabrizio D'Eramo

ART-HOUSE CANDLE: creation of handmade wax objects, realized with antique methods and new technological machineries

Susanna Albertini

What is the circular bioeconomy and what are the bio-based applications in everyday life? Come and visit the interactive house of the BIOECONOMY Village to discover how the sustainable future is already a reality

Cecilia Gramiccia, Elena Gramiccia

Gluten Free and Organic Jerusalem artichoke chips, with no preservatives or added sugar. Excellent as snacks and aperitifs

Giovanni Colaneri, Mario Baioli

Winding machine for FDM filaments managing and trasfering

Elia Gasparolo

Connective tissue. Biotextile with Memory. Perfumes, textures and flavours today turned into skin. Fabric that connects and re-signifies the cycles.

Silvio Potente - Luca Potente

Cycled transforms the only thing that pollutes in a bicycle: The Tire!

  J.T.09 (pav. J)

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Machine intelligence, cloud, additive manufacturing, big data Digital Made is a modular programme that aims to accelerate digital transformation in the fashion sector with the contribution of young men and women.


Anti-glare safety device for motor vehicles. protects from the suns rays, from car headlights and the artificial lights

riscarti fest

Eco prize, made with recycled plastics. Redistribute the value of things, the prizes are made with a material that is a treasure, that rewards the smaller ecological footprint, in all areas.

  I.09 (pav. I)

Francesco Margheriti, Marco Chianura

Design and development of an eco-sustainable cosmetic products from waste materials and formulated with completely green and vegan excipients and manufacturing processes.

Dr.ssa Sara Panseri, Dr. Mauro Fontana, Dr. Massimo Revello, Prof. Roberto Lavecchia, Prof. Luca Chiesa and Prof. Antonio Zuorro

A green technology based on infrared treatment to improve safety and quality of milk and beverages via sustainable process

Riccardo ROMAGNOLI and the International Telex collector group

The Teleprinter world and its old network as it was yesterday and how we bring it back to life in today's Internet era. It is possible to chat with a teleprinter made in the 50's and connected to a network of collectors around the world from Australia to Europe or Canada or you can punch your name on a punched tape. You can send an email to an old telex machine and see how it prints it.

  J.T.10 (pav. J)


3D printer concepts - made with recycled and upcycled materials, with many innovations

Proskurina Iryna

Welcome to the Steampunk world Iren Fox! All items are made from watch movements and treated with jewelry epoxy resin.

Fablab Algeri Marino

SMART WATER ANALYSIS is a tap equipped with a TDS sensor that detects the amount of dissolved solids in the water, allowing us to determine whether the water is safe to drink.


Komposta is an innovative kitchen hood that is able to cook food or transform food waste into compost by harnessing the heat produced by the stovetop.

Davide Piacentini, Andrea Casaroli e Lorenzo Anile

We delete CO2 through electrochemical processes, dividing it into carbon and oxygen, to reduce the problem of air pollution.

I.T. "L. Di Maggio", San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) - Vittorio Lo Mele, Alessio Cusenza, Pio Carriera.

The student wearing the device is able to record their brain activity during a learning session.

Perotto Davide, Serra Enrico e Matteo Burzio della 4A Sc, Liceo A. Monti di Chieri (TO)

Our project is a home-made 3D printer designed to be as professional and sustainable as possible.

Making Open, Istituto M. Massimo: Becchetti, De Gregorio, Poletto, Topani

From a simple wooden table Build and drive a professional electric kart with your team in the Formula Xavier Grand Prix

Alessandro Luzi


Riccardo Tesorini

This sound installation arises from the need to reflect the emotional disconnection we experience today due to the health emergency.

Daniele Loddo

An inkjet printer was transformed into a plotter by adding only an Arduino UNO board. With appropriate modifications it is possible to transform it into a vinyl, cardboard, paper or leather cutter.

  E.06 (pav. E)

Gianfranco Romanazzi (project Coordinator), Antonio Ippolito (RU leader UNIBA), Davide Spadaro (RU leader UNITO)

StopMedWaste reduces loss and waste of fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic plants by physical means, natural substances and biocontrol agents

Gabriella Lima

The research focuses on the perception of the materials used for the design of the surfaces, made with biomaterial

  D.02 (pav. D)

Elisa Nicolia

By imitating the hygromechanical properties of pine cones that react to the change of humidity in the air, this experiment makes use of 4D printing for the programming of natural hygromorphic compounds: the transformation of these modules is integrally integrated into the printed architecture thanks to the control and the design of the printing direction and the manufacturing and assembly method of wood (active layer) and fiberglass (passive layer). This experimentation envisages a potential application in the architectural field for membranes and roofing systems

Michele Lotta, Francesca Radovcic, Francesca Colosso, Juliana Moura De Oliveira, Riccardo Lucheschi, Caterina Cheber, Letizia Deriu.

Fishermen, institutions and private organizations united for the health and monitoring of our sea.

Prof. Donato Vincenzi

The technology based on the photo-excitation of tungsten trioxide electrodes, suitably modified, works in an aqueous environment under solar illumination.

  C.12 (pav. C)

Prof. Donato Vincenzi

A charging station with high efficiency solar cells and plus energy for nighttime illumination

Angela Di Russo, Pamela Gaeta, Beatrice Papetti, Fabrizia Ferrara

We produce eco-sustainable, customizable bags for community tailoring that encourages integration, social cohesion of young people and women in difficulty.

Emanuela Gatto, Raffaella Lettieri, Valentina Armuzza

SPlastica is an innovative material made from ORGANIC WASTE, it is completely biodegradable according with principles of the CIRCULAR ECONOMY.

Sara Costantini, Letizia Cruciani, Miriam Gabriele

Stone Paper: construction elements made with non-traditional materials for temporary and sustainable structures.

  D.02 (pav. D)

Anna Irene Del Monaco

The Studanteum project illustrates a number of typical university campus-dormitory projects

Virgilio Maretto

The goal of this project is to enhance the product chain of the HQF Agricola company, offering the producers a traceability service for all products and narration of key contents to the consumer, based on innovative technologies, first of all the blockchain.

Lisa Salaris, Massimiliano Ceppi, Gabriele Saba, Dario Vucinic, Fabio Zanchetta, Lorenzo Elia, Mariavittoria Ghezzi

UniTS Racing Team is the official student's Formula SAE team that aims to develop and manufacture an electric racing car.

Team WEEE Open

We are a student team of the Politecnico di Torino. We repair broken hardware and write and install open-source software.

  J.T.07 (pav. J)
Data updated on 2025-02-11 - 8.19.48 pm