Exhibitors 2022

ABACHOS - Automatic Back Home System - Aliante in grado di rientrare autonomamente dalla stratosfera

ABACHOS - Automatic Back Home System - Aliante in grado di rientrare autonomamente dalla stratosfera

Abachos is an educational program that includes a set of project activities aimed at sending sounding balloons and related payloads to the Stratosphere. The first experiments were carried out in 2014 with the patronage of the Ministry of Education. Today it boasts numerous research and business partners such as INGV - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology - Experimental Cosmology Group of Sapienza, University of Caserta, Arma Aeronautica Association - Caserta Section, to name but a few. There have been numerous launches, many lessons and activities, all united by the same didactic matrix of development and promotion of scientific and technological knowledge.

ABACHOS - Automatic Back Home System - Aliante in grado di rientrare autonomamente dalla stratosfera

Amedeo Lepore, Pasquale Adobbato, Simone Bacci

Abachos was born as a particular didactic program that has seen and sees the collaboration of such a number of teachers, technicians and learners that it is extremely difficult to mention them all. It had its first start at the IIS "Vittorio Emanuele II" in Naples and currently has its main development center at the IIS Palmieri-Rampone-di Benevento. The first "iterations" of this initiative had already been carried out in the A.S. 2014-2015 by pupils of different classes with the patronage of the Ministry of Education. Today all the classes of the aforementioned institute are involved in varying degrees and boasts numerous research and business partners such as INGV - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology - University of Caserta, Ass.ne Arma Aeronautica - and many others.

Data updated on 2024-11-02 - 5.47.01 am