Exhibitors 2022

European countries,  their flags and capitals

European countries, their flags and capitals

Game 1 - Know the countries and their capitals.
The character moves between different countries and has to write the correct country and its capital in the box within the given time.
The game is created in the online environment Scratch.
Game 2 - Know the countries and their flags.
The name of the country must be moved to the correct flag within the given time. The game is created in the online environment Scratch.
Game 3 - Know the countries and their flags.
The flag of the country must be moved to the correct country within the given time.
The game contains points and levels. There are 4-13 different countries in each level. The game is created in the online environment Scratch.

Game 4 - Know European capitals and their flags.
The game was created using the website AppInventor. The name of the country must be written next to the given flag. Name of the capital must be written next to the country. Find the pairs - the country and its capital, the country and its flag. Time and score have been added to the game.

European countries,  their flags and capitals

Peetri Lasteaed - Phikool, 7 class

Two 7th grade boys from Peter School created games about European countries, their flags and capitals. They have little experience using Scratch and AppInventor.
The game was developed using online instructions, pre-made games, and teacher assistance.

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 6.39.01 am