Exhibitors 2022

Interazione tra robot ed esseri umani: perche studiarla?

Interazione tra robot ed esseri umani: perche studiarla?

What does iCub perceive with its sensors? What information is possible to extract and how to use it? Through some games we will show how we study the interaction between people and robots to improve our understanding of human beings and develop machines that can help us in everyday life. We will also bring another more particular object: the tactile cube. We will explain how it is used to study haptic exploration.

Interazione tra robot ed esseri umani: perche studiarla?


The RBCS and CONTACT groups of IIT are two units whose main focus is on cognitive robotics. The approach of the units is human-centric, trying to study both Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction also from an interdisciplinary point of view. In this respect, implementing robots is not the only aim of the unit: they are both used as tools for quantitative analysis of human interaction and to increase effectiveness of human robot interactions. This work is supported by the wHISPER and PROMEN-AID European projects.

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 7.42.04 pm