Exhibitors 2022

Decisioni morali in ambienti virtuali

Decisioni morali in ambienti virtuali

The Roll & Tell IVR is a virtual reality application in which pairs of players toss a die by controlling the movement of their embodied virtual avatars and then report the real or a made-up score to their opponent. They know that reporting the highest score leads to a win and that identical reports implies a loss. Despite the risk, dishonest report of high scores increases the odds of winning. The study is part of the eHonesty ERC project that investigates the role our bodily self-consciousness in modulating moral behaviour in real social interactions as well as in virtual and digital ones.

Decisioni morali in ambienti virtuali

Luca Provenzano Giuseppina Porciello Maria Serena Panasiti Salvatore Maria Aglioti

Luca Provenzano is a post-Doc researcher at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Neuroscience and Society research line.
Giuseppina Porciello is an assistant professor at Sapienza University of Rome and is part of the CoSAN Lab.
Maria Serena Panasiti is an assistant professor at Sapienza University of Rome and is part of the CoSAN Lab.
Salvatore Maria Aglioti, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Neuroscience and Society research line, is a full professor at Sapienza University of Rome and the head of the CoSAN lab based at Sapienza and Fondazione Santa Lucia.

Data updated on 2025-02-18 - 6.04.15 pm