Exhibitors 2022

pOsti - La Blockchain al servizio dello Scontrino Parlante

pOsti - La Blockchain al servizio dello Scontrino Parlante

The goal of this project is to enhance the production chain of agri-food products through innovative technologies. The acquired information is tracked on the Blockchain-based platform. The traced information will be reported in the talking receipt, issued during the purchase of the product. The exhibitors will be equipped with a digital cash point for the issue of this receipt and with ad hoc instrumentation. Furthermore, the project, based on blockchain infrastructure, allows the creation of NoN-Fungible-Token (NFT) associated with the products.

pOsti - La Blockchain al servizio dello Scontrino Parlante

Virgilio Maretto

After a long professional experience as IT Innovation Manager, gained with clients from different sectors, I tried to combine my two passions, technology and cooking and for this, I dedicated myself to the development of Food Tech services and I founded the startup pOsti.

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 9.03.28 am