Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Aerospace"

Amedeo Lepore, Pasquale Adobbato, Simone Bacci

ABACHOS - Automatic Back Home System - statospheric automatic back-home glider

  P.20 (pav. P)

Giuseppe Cristiano Milluzzo

"Emergency Power Stop", EPS. Accessory for the safety of the pilot VDS flight, PPG and TRIKE paramotor category. It shuts down the engine if it starts at maximum number of revolutions due to a mechanical or pilot problem.

Paz Heping

Wings on a BMX.

  L.1.16 (pav. L)

Marco Bascietto; Alessandro Alivernini; Loredana Oreti; Lorenzo Crecco; Benedetta Cucca

LIFE FOLIAGE aims to improve forest governance through the digitization of administrative procedure and the implementation of satellite imagery.

  L.S.22 (pav. L)

Skyward Experimental Rocketry

Skyward Experimental Rocketrys first competition sounding rocket

Istituto Massimiliano Massimo

Make your big airplanes, or even, smartphone-controlled paper-based and get European drone pilot license to be ready for the future

  P.19 (pav. P)

Sapienza Rocket Team & Sapienza Space Team

Exhibition of rocket models and probes designed, built and launched by the Rocket Team and the Space team.

  C.12 (pav. C)

Sapienza Technology & Flight Team

Our two teams design and build prototypes of rovers and drones, our focus is on aerospace, robotics, autonomous flight, and AI.

Carlo Brindesi Canali, Ferdinando Cannella, Remo Proietti

Robotics and innovative technologies for space exploration

  B.26 (pav. B)

Elena Pierri, Nader Al Khatib, Sara Muscolo, Ermanno De Giuli, Elena Papetti, Mirko Pacioni

Training activities in a digital key, enriched from time to time by collaborations with educational institutions, universities and companies.

Francesca Nanni, Mario Bragaglia, Lorenzo Paleari, Luisa Petti, Manuela Ciocca, Arvind Gurusekaran

Opening mechanism of a system of antennas and/or solar panels, through the activation of a polymeric shape memory material by electromagnetic stimulus


Real-time monitoring and localization of RF emitters by means of multilateration techniques.

The Terranauts (Franco M. Battagello, Michela Mascia, Marco De Vellis, Marco Granati, Ivano Basile, Federica Saponaro, Fulvio Petti)

Data-driven Agritech solution for small-medium grapegrowers. Integrating satellite data, ground sensors and proprietary drones with A.I. and returning predictive knowledge(ware)

Giorgia Pontetti

How can food be produced in future? What commonalities does it have with future space food? Futuristic hydroponic cultivations in modern appliances and a 3D food printer for healthy snacks-on-the-go.

Sebastiano Foti, Debora Fino, Giuliana Mattiazzo, Massimiliana Carello

The Politecnico of Torino involves the students in Teams with a mission: learning by doing with the goal to grow up a new generation of engineers able to accept challenges and solve problems. The main goal of the teams is a practical training of the future engineer: to design means to compromise between an idea and what is actually buildable.

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 3.59.59 am