Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "New Manufacturing"

Mauro Rossi, Vincenzo De Sena

A proprietary enzyme treatment of wheat gluten is effective in suppressing the inflammatory response in intolerant people without influencing its technological properties

Martin Maria Aversa, Daniele De Simone - Vesvius srl

Vesvius - advanced in materials technology, advanced in respect to the environment!

  N.04 (pav. N)

Michela Ceracchi; L. Baglioni, L. Carlevaris, M. Fasolo, J. Romor, M. Salvatore, G.M. Valenti;

The prototype to explore the perspective space: choose your combination, photograph the result, discover the principles of illusion in AR!

  D.24 (pav. D)

The Ant Team

Ant Workflow is a CNC, an open source software, a control board, a lot of passion and much more. Basically, everything a maker needs to make electronic circuits.

  L.1.02 (pav. L)

Francesca Fiore, Universit di Trento, Associazione GLOW

Experimenting with 3D printing, laser cutting, milling cutters, vinyl cutting and more, introduced through an accessible approach and language

Audace Sailing Team

University project in Trieste. We combine engineering with our love for sailing, creating racing sailboat prototypes using sustainable materials.

Annalisa Santucci, Stefania Lamponi, Michela Geminiani, Ottavia Spiga, Giacomo Spinsanti

Dermofunctional biocosmeceuticals Ecological, safe, sustainable cosmetics, based on chestnut burr extract with beneficial effects proved in human skin cells, antiage, anti-pollutant.

Team del corso di Wine Marketing Manager di ITS Agroalimentare Piemonte con Annoluce sas

Blockchain and NFT Technology to create a unique digital certification for collectible wine bottles linked to multimedia augmented file. A new experience for wine market

  O.16 (pav. O)

Fatih Kazim Duymaz

Co Print is a multi-filament 3D printing module that enables all 3D printers on the market to produce multi-material models with a single print tip.

  C.05 (pav. C)


The design of a shower system that aims at sustainability, creating good habits, raising awareness of water and energy savings and generating concrete economic benefits for the consumer. DocciA ++ does not affect comfort, but, on the contrary, improves the user experience, making the shower smart and interconnecte

Terrence Briscoe

DOOR-GIENIC is the new mechanical system with hygienic functionality, to lock/unlock a door, without hand interaction.

Dynamis PRC

Team Formula Student of the Politecnico di Milano. Participating in the international university championship, the aim is to design and build an electric single-seater equipped with an autonomous driving system in just one year


Multiscale and multimaterial 3D bioprinting technology that enables the biofabrication of heterogenous and hierarchical 3D cellular constructs mimicking biological tissues.

  L.T.07 (pav. L)

Lorena Trebbi

Evolving matter: the future of materials and design in the biofabrication era. Experimentations on microbial fermentation and bacterial nanocellulose

Tecnoseta srl: Massimo Proia, Maddalena Mariani, Antonella Della Bella

Filanda 4.0. A dialogue between tradition and innovation to rethink silk as a new "Made in Italy" excellence.


For a new vision 4.0 of the welder

Studenti del II anno dei corsi ITS Tech&Food

The project has developed a new beverage, made of Cascara, a waste of the coffee production, to satisfy the growing demand for novelties in the soft drink market.

Marco Ferrantini

Kineboard is a wireless module for balance boards. A powerful tool for physiotherapy and rehabilitation which allows to collect data and play a videogame based on your therapy targets. Based on Arduino, it's a low cost solution for small clinics and gyms.


The screwdriver you don't need

  F.03 (pav. F)

Lokit Technology Srl

Micro Mobility Infrastructure providing parking, mobility and connectivity services in a single place.

  L.1.20 (pav. L)

Ing. Gabriele Burnelli

Electronic innovative system for industry 4.0 that makes laboratory workstations smart connected and safer.


Open-Source machinery for makers

Gianluca Patrassi

Machine for the automatic production of fried treats: the sweet side of automation

Nicola Parisi

New organic building systems through spatial tessellation by using environmentally friendly materials and digital fabrication techniques.


Pico Bricks is an electronic development board + software which is designed for use in maker projects. With ten detachable modules included, Pico Bricks can be used to create a wide variety of projects. It also includes a protoboard that you can use to add your own modules!

Studenti del corso di Meccatronica dell'ITS Smart di Fermo anno 2021-23 e azienda partner IOTALAB srl.

Sensorizing mice traps to know the behavior of rodents in real time and make the rodent control service more efficient.


Robot Amico di COMAU, basato sulla tecnologia del Racer3, Amico il simbolo di un nuovo paradigma della robotica Made in Comau e rappresenta il concept di robot umanoide. powered by Opificio Innova

  B.32 (pav. B)

Massimiliano Barletta, Daniele Almonti, Alessandra Piselli

Give new shape through 3d printing to structures you commonly use.

Claudio Cagnazzi

Our kit allows you to lift, move and reposition furniture thanks to simple voice commands

Elena Pierri, Nader Al Khatib, Sara Muscolo, Ermanno De Giuli, Elena Papetti, Mirko Pacioni

Training activities in a digital key, enriched from time to time by collaborations with educational institutions, universities and companies.

Francesca Nanni, Mario Bragaglia, Lorenzo Paleari, Luisa Petti, Manuela Ciocca, Arvind Gurusekaran

Opening mechanism of a system of antennas and/or solar panels, through the activation of a polymeric shape memory material by electromagnetic stimulus

Sebastiano Foti, Debora Fino, Giuliana Mattiazzo, Massimiliana Carello

The Politecnico of Torino involves the students in Teams with a mission: learning by doing with the goal to grow up a new generation of engineers able to accept challenges and solve problems. The main goal of the teams is a practical training of the future engineer: to design means to compromise between an idea and what is actually buildable.

IIS "Sandro Pertini" Alatri - prof.ssa Sara Chiarella, prof.ssa Stefania Tagliaferri

A glance to the future: innovative antimicrobial material for 3D printing developed in a virtuous collaboration between school and industry.

Data updated on 2025-01-23 - 3.45.06 pm