Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Product Design"

Leonardo Bertelli, Luca Acquati, Federico Sarrocco

Argo is the personal robotic assistant for your home. A robot which can entertain but also be useful.

Audace Sailing Team

University project in Trieste. We combine engineering with our love for sailing, creating racing sailboat prototypes using sustainable materials.

Fjolla Voca; Viktor Malakuczi Co -supervisor prof.ass. Micheal Russo

Digital Craft for pets- A personalisable dog muzzle for fablab based production

  D.31 (pav. D)

Michaela Gallucci

Our novel, wearable glove eliminates the need for a keyboard and assists those with wrist injuries by enabling single-hand typing!


The design of a shower system that aims at sustainability, creating good habits, raising awareness of water and energy savings and generating concrete economic benefits for the consumer. DocciA ++ does not affect comfort, but, on the contrary, improves the user experience, making the shower smart and interconnecte

Terrence Briscoe

DOOR-GIENIC is the new mechanical system with hygienic functionality, to lock/unlock a door, without hand interaction.

Michele Praga (e-Nable Italia), Alessandro Villa (e-Nable Italia)

A bike adapter device for children with limb difference problems, configurable to be adapted to the user, can be entirely build with a 3d printer using a flexible filament


Biasi Riccardo, Martini Filippo, Ninni Nicol, Zaramella Jacopo, I.T.I. "F. Severi" Padova PD, Italy, school of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Informatics.

Its an innovative, effective and ergonomic exoskeleton fixed to the patient's legs, using elastic bands, for assistive and rehabilitative purposes.

Fab Lab Barcelona

Fab Lab Barcelona is a research and education centre rethinking the way we live, work, and play around the world!

Jellyfish Fab

FerroPets' are programmable ferrofluid displays powered by Arduino. For this year: we will be assembling them into an interactive grid of 25 units.

  L.1.19 (pav. L)


Why travel around the city by car when you can use a hydrogen bike, sustainable and with a high range?

  L.2.06 (pav. L)

Roma Tre University Dipartimento di Architettura - Laboratorio Modelli e Prototipi

Open Designs for Public and Shared Space Furnishing rooted on digital upcycling on local Fab Lab chains

Roberto Tascioni

Homemade audio system made up of a transmission line subwoofer of 3,6 m and 480 W rms class T amplifier.

  L.2.05 (pav. L)

Mario Giampaolo, Loretta Fabbri, Caterina Garofano

360 immersive videos for job orientation for university students


The screwdriver you don't need

  F.03 (pav. F)


Komposta is an innovative kitchen hood that is able to cook or transform fruit and vegetable waste into compost by harnessing the heat produced by the stovetop.

Piero Lovato

Shoot your friends from a huge distance! And with an open-source, DIY, actual photon cannon (but they won't get hurt).

Laura Pastorino, Donatella Di Lisa, Elena Dellacasa

2D and 3D in vitro models of brain tissue for preclinical research

Staff e studenti del corso Tecnico Informatica Biomedica della Fondazione ITS A. Volta e team di VisionQub.It

Robot supporting nursing homes staff and guests in their daily needs: Smart Delivery, Telepresence, Guide Me To

Alessandro Giacomel

A table, where a metal ball rolls silently through the sand, endlessly creating and erasing beautiful patterns. A kinetic sculpture that invites to meditation.

  L.T.10 (pav. L)


A unique modular surface able to handle multiple software and devices in a versatile, easy and efficient way


Pico Bricks is an electronic development board + software which is designed for use in maker projects. With ten detachable modules included, Pico Bricks can be used to create a wide variety of projects. It also includes a protoboard that you can use to add your own modules!

Studenti del corso di Meccatronica dell'ITS Smart di Fermo anno 2021-23 e azienda partner IOTALAB srl.

Sensorizing mice traps to know the behavior of rodents in real time and make the rodent control service more efficient.

Mirko Tumbiolo e Simone Fusco - classe V Elettronica - Scuola Superiore E.Breda Salesianisesto

We make your desktop portable: a revolutionary backpack with a wood fiber structure to mount your hardware.


The Italian e-mobility network, Network of schools for sustainable mobility in teaching, currently consists of 44 upper secondary schools in 14 regions of Italy.

Ing. Chimenti Umberto, Ing. Schinco Francesco

ReWaBot is a robotic system that provides complete management of a restaurant with virtual menus and kitchen support.

University of Cagliari, Dept of Electric and Electronic Engineering, MeDSP Lab and DEALAB. University of Florence, Dept of Architecture, Design Section

An advanced sensorized uniform to protect the first responders and monitor their physical conditions and environmental exposure.

  L.T.20 (pav. L)

ITS Turismo e Nuove Tecnologie Marche

Our device will increase the safety measures for the public during an event in order to ensure both the security and the audiences' amusement.

Alessio Morale

Slammer is an autonomous rover project designed as a learning platform for robotics in general and ROS.

Trackting R&D Team

Trackting presents the first antitheft connected device to get alerted on your smartphone if somebody tries to steal your bike. Trackting Bike T7 is perfect for both bicycles and e-bikes: invisible, it has got a rechargeable battery that lasts over 1 year, an integrated GPS antenna to track the bike in real time in case of theft, and a multi-operator eSIM working throughout Europe (50 countries).

  L.1.21 (pav. L)

Massimiliano Barletta, Daniele Almonti, Alessandra Piselli

Give new shape through 3d printing to structures you commonly use.

Claudio Cagnazzi

Our kit allows you to lift, move and reposition furniture thanks to simple voice commands

29 corsisti del percorso BI.UNIQUE Bags Industry. Under Innovation Quality Excellence - Politecnico di Milano

SPARK@MITA - software of Spatial Augmented Reality as a Key for co-creativity

  O.11 (pav. O)

Elena Pierri, Nader Al Khatib, Sara Muscolo, Ermanno De Giuli, Elena Papetti, Mirko Pacioni

Training activities in a digital key, enriched from time to time by collaborations with educational institutions, universities and companies.

Francesca Nanni, Mario Bragaglia, Lorenzo Paleari, Luisa Petti, Manuela Ciocca, Arvind Gurusekaran

Opening mechanism of a system of antennas and/or solar panels, through the activation of a polymeric shape memory material by electromagnetic stimulus

Patrizia Marti, Cecilia Goracci, Lorenzo Franchi, Alessandro Vichi, Flavio Lampus, Simone Guercio, Annamaria Recupero

Personalised orthodontic facemasks for children for a gamified therapy

Sebastiano Foti, Debora Fino, Giuliana Mattiazzo, Massimiliana Carello

The Politecnico of Torino involves the students in Teams with a mission: learning by doing with the goal to grow up a new generation of engineers able to accept challenges and solve problems. The main goal of the teams is a practical training of the future engineer: to design means to compromise between an idea and what is actually buildable.

Dario Tamburrano in collaborazione con 3DiTALY, WREP Media Company e il consorzio AMable Horizon 2020 con capofila il Fraunhofer Institute tedesco.

Exploring the use of Additive Manufacturing and NFC/blockchain technology to create experimental toys and collectibles based on mathematical/artistic shapes.

IIS "Sandro Pertini" Alatri - prof.ssa Sara Chiarella, prof.ssa Stefania Tagliaferri

A glance to the future: innovative antimicrobial material for 3D printing developed in a virtuous collaboration between school and industry.

UniTS Racing Team

UniTS Racing Team is the Formula SAE Team of University of Trieste. We design and build an electric prototype.

Scuderia Tor Vergata

The Formula Student car of the University of Rome Tor Vergata: from design to construction to participation in international competitions

Alessandra Tuseo

Eco-sustainable thermal-phono insulation material, which can be used both in construction and in product design, derived from canine fibres

Data updated on 2025-01-20 - 1.06.36 pm