Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Robotics"

MindSharing.tech APS & CoderDojo Roma SPQR

Alla Maker Faire 2022 arrivano rombanti i robot didattici di MindSharing.tech.

Marco Sebastiani, Giulia Lanzara, Sonia Marfia, Edoardo Bemporad

A presentation of the 3DINGLab of the engineering department, with 3D printing technologies from micron to macro scales.

Leonardo Bertelli, Luca Acquati, Federico Sarrocco

Argo is the personal robotic assistant for your home. A robot which can entertain but also be useful.

Giovanni Bernardo

Cheap and customizable STEM Robot based on Arduino Uno with parts printed in 3D and easy-available components.

Antonio Frisoli

The new technologies of collaborative robotics.

Maria di Maro, Antonio Origlia, Agostino Palmiero, Alessandra Rossi, Silvia Rossi, Antonio Totaro

The project has been supported by the Italian MISE as part of the PON I&C 2014-2020, no. F/190066/01-02/X44. The project is led by Totaro Automazioni s.r.l in conjunction with the ICAROS center of the University of Naples Federico II. The goal of the project is the creation of a robotic platform capable of managing the tasks related to the management of a bar counter in its multiple aspects of interaction, manipulation, and personalization of the offered services.

BullyBuster Staff

A framework for bullying and cyberbullying action detection by computer vision and artificial intelligence methods and algorithms

Onorato Passarelli - IIS ITG ITI Vibo Valentia

Domotic and entertainment system, in virtual reality, managed with the thought by people with motor disabilities.

Emiliano Gatti

Learn the history of ancient Rome in an engaging and interactive way, your robot is your character in ancient Rome, you have to lead it to the Colosseum, you will receive support from QR codes on the playground that will display animations and information in augmented reality, when you will have arrived at the Colosseum you will discover the thrill of being a gladiator challenging other players in a no holds barred combat inside the "Colosseum" arena. Are you ready for the challenge?

Tetsuji Katsuda

Robots play musical instruments. They also sing & talk.

Domenico Prattichizzo

We will show how to recreate an interaction with remote/virtual environments and wearable haptic devices.

Rudy Semola, Davide Bacciu, Vincenzo Lomonaco

Continual Brain: Continual-Learning-based SaaS for different AI application domains is easy to integrate into devices and cloud systems.

Michaela Gallucci

Our novel, wearable glove eliminates the need for a keyboard and assists those with wrist injuries by enabling single-hand typing!

Florence Robotics - Luca Bigazzi, luigi Pannocchi, Stefano Gherardini, Enrico Boni, Michele Basso

Drone Open-Source in grado di supportare applicazioni sviluppate dall'utente per la guida autonoma avanzata.

Michele Praga (e-Nable Italia), Alessandro Villa (e-Nable Italia)

A bike adapter device for children with limb difference problems, configurable to be adapted to the user, can be entirely build with a 3d printer using a flexible filament

Samir Buzatu, Andrea Lombardo, Michele Ottaviano, Francesco Pilato, Christian Violo - ITET Rapisardi Da Vinci - Caltanissetta

A system consisting of a set of devices capable of analyzing the state of water pollution over vast geographical territories.


ELIO is a special set of electronic boards dedicated to programming teaching and prototyping of electronic projects through visual programming

Pio Alfredo Di Tore, Stefano Di Tore, Lucia Campitiello, Michele Todino, Fabrizio Schiavo


Ellis Unit - Politecnico di Torino

Do you want to know how the most recent artificial intelligent models are used to develop the visual system of the next generation of robotic agents? Come to visit our booth!

EveryBotics S.R.L.

The robotic bartender


Biasi Riccardo, Martini Filippo, Ninni Nicol, Zaramella Jacopo, I.T.I. "F. Severi" Padova PD, Italy, school of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Informatics.

Its an innovative, effective and ergonomic exoskeleton fixed to the patient's legs, using elastic bands, for assistive and rehabilitative purposes.

Jellyfish Fab

FerroPets' are programmable ferrofluid displays powered by Arduino. For this year: we will be assembling them into an interactive grid of 25 units.

The Engine Room

Using gestures and all body motions to interact and directly control Tiago, a mobile manipulator robot.


I-RIM, the Italian Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines, organizes I-RIM 3D 2022, the fourth edition of the event on Robotics and Intelligent Machines.


How the study of human behavior can improve machines

Alvaro Passeri

Leonardo da Vinci, is an animatronic able to speak, tell his story and make nine facial expressions.

Gian Luigi Perrella, Bruno Luziatelli, Carlo Ottaviani per OR-Officine Robotiche

M5Tello for S.T.R.E.A.M. 2.0: Learn to program a drone with block code to carry out many missions in a Educational context.

Istituto Massimiliano Massimo

Make your big airplanes, or even, smartphone-controlled paper-based and get European drone pilot license to be ready for the future

Staff e studenti del corso Tecnico Informatica Biomedica della Fondazione ITS A. Volta e team di VisionQub.It

Robot supporting nursing homes staff and guests in their daily needs: Smart Delivery, Telepresence, Guide Me To

Alessandro Giacomel

A table, where a metal ball rolls silently through the sand, endlessly creating and erasing beautiful patterns. A kinetic sculpture that invites to meditation.


Open-Source machinery for makers

Gianluca Patrassi

Machine for the automatic production of fried treats: the sweet side of automation


The Immersive Fabroom series blurs the boundaries between reality and the fantastic digital universes imagined by Fabvision and Tiwi

Raffaello Bonghi

The smallest NVIDIA Jetson dinosaur robot, fully 3D printable, open-source, ROS2 and Isaac ROS based.

Domenico Daniele Bloisi, Marco Turi, Filippo Muratori, Francesco Pierri

Naovatar project aims at using social humanoid robots to co-assist the human operator in the treatment of autism

Marco Picarella

An easily programmable talking robot head that helps kids with ASD improve their social skills

Francesco Onorati

Let's build a real personal home automation robot together with the materials of your home closet!

Robotics for Rehabilitation team

PhiCube A friendly robotic device for upper-limb telerehabilitation


Pico Bricks is an electronic development board + software which is designed for use in maker projects. With ten detachable modules included, Pico Bricks can be used to create a wide variety of projects. It also includes a protoboard that you can use to add your own modules!

PuroSole, Digitarch Farm

Purosole, coffee roasting systems, food cooking and lighting of the environments, through direct solar light.

Stefano Rossi, Juri Taborri, Giovanni Mariani

Design of an active ankle robot for assisting humans while walking.

Ing. Chimenti Umberto, Ing. Schinco Francesco

ReWaBot is a robotic system that provides complete management of a restaurant with virtual menus and kitchen support.

Milosz Nowak

Robak is a DIY 4x4 all-terrain radio controlled vehicle. Designed from scratch with makers in mind - you can build one yourself.


Robot Amico di COMAU, basato sulla tecnologia del Racer3, Amico il simbolo di un nuovo paradigma della robotica Made in Comau e rappresenta il concept di robot umanoide. powered by Opificio Innova

Paolo Di Gregorio Zitella, Studio5t

from Paolo Di Gregorio Zitella, Studio5t

DAM Bros Robotics

Hospital robotic assistant to playfully administer therapies and meals to young patients. Robot awarded at the 2022 Robotics Olympics.

Nao Devils - TU Dortmund, SPQR Team - Sapienza Universit di Roma

Robotic competition among two teams of fully autonomous humanoid robots playing soccer.

Centro di Ricerca "E. Piaggio" e Dipartimentop di Ingegneria dell'Informazione

Robotics for monitoring, logistics and security in unstructured environments

Simone Tolomei

A small and versatile ROS-powered Robot built to experiment with machine learning and robotics

Data updated on 2024-10-10 - 6.27.39 am