Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Wellness & Healthcare"

Marco Sebastiani, Giulia Lanzara, Sonia Marfia, Edoardo Bemporad

A presentation of the 3DINGLab of the engineering department, with 3D printing technologies from micron to macro scales.

Mauro Rossi, Vincenzo De Sena

A proprietary enzyme treatment of wheat gluten is effective in suppressing the inflammatory response in intolerant people without influencing its technological properties

Alessandro Zaldei, Carolina Vagnoli, Beniamino Gioli, Giovanni Gualtieri, Lorenzo Brilli, Federico Carotenuto, Alice Cavaliere, Tommaso Giordano, Francesca Martelli

Airqino, an innovative air quality monitoring system, integrated with low cost and high-resolution sensors (Humidity, Temperature, CO, CO2, O3, NO2, PM2,5, PM10). Data collected are shared, real time, on a web interface www.airqino

  E.14 (pav. E)

Vito Chiarella; Saperi&co

Reproduction of a brain aneurysm for planned surgery

Antonio Frisoli

The new technologies of collaborative robotics.

Associazione AstronomiAmo

Automated system aimed to meteor detection, citizen science and Air Quality level

Marco Balsi, Devamanohar Kumar Mallireddy

Seamless automation of a standard psychomotor test (9-hole peg test) with objective acquisition of performance and IoT networking

  D.25 (pav. D)

Gabriele Messina, Roberta Bosco, Davide Amodeo, Isa De Palma, Gabriele Cevenini, Ugolini e C s.r.l.

The nUVA light disinfects environment even at low intensity and is safe for people and animals.

ITS BACT - Istituto Tecnico Superiore per Tecnologie Innovative per i Beni e le Attivit Culturali e il Turismo

Smart Safety on construction and restoration sites IoT, Machine Learning, Solar Power and 5G Technology

Domenico Formenton

Tool for the detection of fencing points to be used in the open air

  L.T.17 (pav. L)

Olimpia Pino, Mauro Gaspari, Luca Ferrari, Alessandro Ciraolo


  L.T.09 (pav. L)

chaoyan sun; Angela Giambattista;

The product is designed for promoting blood circulation

  D.23 (pav. D)

Silvia Casalinuovo; Saperi&co;

Breath analysis Mask

Jessica Podda

DIGICOG-MS is a time-efficient, smartphone- and tablet-based app for self-assessment and monitoring of cognitive functions for people with Multiple Sclerosis

  L.T.06 (pav. L)

Terrence Briscoe

DOOR-GIENIC is the new mechanical system with hygienic functionality, to lock/unlock a door, without hand interaction.

ITIS "E. Fermi" - Tommaso Abitante, Tommaso Coviello, Matteo De Vivo, Emma Pucci, Valerio Leonetti, Emanuela Colangiuli.

It makes driving vehicles on two wheels easier, safer and smarter. Messages and sensors for innovative driving.

Michele Praga (e-Nable Italia), Alessandro Villa (e-Nable Italia)

A bike adapter device for children with limb difference problems, configurable to be adapted to the user, can be entirely build with a 3d printer using a flexible filament

Roberto Arrigucci

This app speeds up the recording time of the pool parameters and gives bureaucratic security

Giuseppe Cristiano Milluzzo

"Emergency Power Stop", EPS. Accessory for the safety of the pilot VDS flight, PPG and TRIKE paramotor category. It shuts down the engine if it starts at maximum number of revolutions due to a mechanical or pilot problem.

Eleonora Longo, Beniamino Caputo, Alessandra della Torre, Carlo Maria De Marco, Martina Micocci, Chiara Virgillito, Mosquito Alert Italia, Mosquito Alert

Mosquito Alert Italia is a project involving citizen in the collection of data on mosquitos in Italy by an app.

  D.23 (pav. D)

Gbor Prill Lszl Sisa - Dalma Zsig Nyregyhza Vocational Training Center Bnki Dont Engineering Technical Secondary School and Student Hostel

The HandExo is a personalizable hand-exoskeleton, it can redefine the future of hand rehabilitation.

  P.07 (pav. P)

Anna Young, Jose Gomez-Marquez, Holly Harpel, Rose Hedges, Nick Dodds

MakerNurses, Doctors, OTs and patients are building the future of health technology by using maker tools to create new technology to diagnose, health, and manage our health.


The telemedicine 2.0 tool for the monitoring of neurological diseases, through dysarthria analysis.

Marco Ferrantini

Kineboard is a wireless module for balance boards. A powerful tool for physiotherapy and rehabilitation which allows to collect data and play a videogame based on your therapy targets. Based on Arduino, it's a low cost solution for small clinics and gyms.

Di Domenico Immacolata Alessia, Andreotti Michela, Avitabile Alessio, Frettoni Lucia.

Wearable ultrasonic visor that promises to improve the quality of life for those with visual impairments.

  D.23 (pav. D)

Antonio D'Antuono

For your dogs safety and health. Always connected with you even when he is alone at home.

  L.2.04 (pav. L)

Giacomo Manera

Design of an artificial intelligence model for the recognition of crop diseases and creation of dedicated software and hardware for maximum performance.

Ing. Gabriele Burnelli

Electronic innovative system for industry 4.0 that makes laboratory workstations smart connected and safer.

Laura Pastorino, Donatella Di Lisa, Elena Dellacasa

2D and 3D in vitro models of brain tissue for preclinical research

Nicola Callegaro

MOQA monitors your home's energy consumption and comfort, suggesting actions and optimizing routines.

Antonio Gagliardi, Maria Gambelli, Alessio Pirani, Sara Reda

MultiSafetyAlarm, MSA, is a wearable device that monitors environmental working conditions and vital signs of a worker.

  D.23 (pav. D)

Domenico Daniele Bloisi, Marco Turi, Filippo Muratori, Francesco Pierri

Naovatar project aims at using social humanoid robots to co-assist the human operator in the treatment of autism

Marco Picarella

An easily programmable talking robot head that helps kids with ASD improve their social skills

  L.T.08 (pav. L)

Robotics for Rehabilitation team

PhiCube A friendly robotic device for upper-limb telerehabilitation

Biagio Todaro, Nicol Carta.

Biomedical device for non-invasive and in-home prostate cancer early diagnosis and monitoring, just by introducing a urine sample.

  D.35 (pav. D)

Marco De Spirito, Giuseppe Maulucci, Cassandra Serantoni, Giada Bianchetti, Alessio Abeltino

A tool for real time and personalized improvement in cardiovascular fitness

  L.T.04 (pav. L)

Domenico Palombo, Patrizia Perego, Pier Francesco Ferrari, Bianca Pane, Giovanni Spinella, Bahar Aliakbarian

Development and validation of vascular prostheses with small diameter that are biodegradable, biocompatible, gelatin-coated, and engineered with bioactive compounds.

Matteo Marucci

Applications for motor and cognitive rehabilitation via stand-alone virtual reality headsets

  D.25 (pav. D)

DAM Bros Robotics

Hospital robotic assistant to playfully administer therapies and meals to young patients. Robot awarded at the 2022 Robotics Olympics.

  L.T.13 (pav. L)

Dott. Maurizio Serra, Dott. Giuseppe Cittadino

The S-Coclear App includes five functions to treat tinnitus and train hearing: COCHLEAR STIMULATOR, MELODIC MASK, TIN SUPPRESSOR, ENVIRONMENTAL AMPLIFIER, RELAXATION TECHNIQUES.

  L.T.24 (pav. L)

University of Cagliari, Dept of Electric and Electronic Engineering, MeDSP Lab and DEALAB. University of Florence, Dept of Architecture, Design Section

An advanced sensorized uniform to protect the first responders and monitor their physical conditions and environmental exposure.

  L.T.20 (pav. L)

Marco De Spirito, Giuseppe Maulucci, Giada Bianchetti, Cassandra Serantoni, Alessio Albetino, Alberto Augello

A tool for personalized cosmetics

  L.T.04 (pav. L)

Enactus Units

The aim of SmartBorghing is to create an intermediation platform between smart-workers in research of a healthier life-style and depopulated hamlets.


3D printing and sensorized wearables to improve performance and prevent injuries through biomechanical analysis.

Prof. Claudio Babiloni

A green telemedicine service for a quick digital screening of cognitive functions in old persons.

  D.25 (pav. D)

Gabriella Cortellessa (CNR-ISTC), Francesca Fracasso (CNR-ISTC), Alessandro Umbrico (CNR-ISTC)

SmartSatCare integrates TV-based videocall services with satellite technologies to guarantee teleassistance in geographically distributed areas, coping with COVID-19 restrictions

  E.14 (pav. E)

Claudio Cagnazzi

Our kit allows you to lift, move and reposition furniture thanks to simple voice commands

Patrizia Marti, Cecilia Goracci, Lorenzo Franchi, Alessandro Vichi, Flavio Lampus, Simone Guercio, Annamaria Recupero

Personalised orthodontic facemasks for children for a gamified therapy

Filo Srl

The smart and portable Baby Rocker giving you a break

  L.T.21 (pav. L)

ISTC-CNR group: Valerio Sperati, Beste Ozcan, Flora Giocondo, Massimiliano Schembri, Francesco Montedori, Gianluca Baldassarre

Transitional Wearable Companions: interactive soft toys to support early therapy with children with Autism Spectrum DIsorders

  E.14 (pav. E)
Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 12.44.18 pm