Exhibitors 2023

Serious Game

Serious Game "Facciamo la spesa"

The Serious Game "Let's go shopping" aims to train people with disabilities to perform everyday life actions through a customisable 3D game usable in virtual reality.

Users have to create a shopping list, assess how much money they need, look at the cupboards at home, pick up the necessary products by identifying the correct supermarket aisle. All this will always be done under the supervision of an educator.

The project includes the development of a customisation interface that allows the educator to interact with the progress of the game remotely, so that the learning process is calibrated to the level of autonomy of each user.

Serious Game

We Do Fablab

We Do Fablab is a no profit organization that actively participates in the growth of the global maker movement, since 11 years organising projects to enhance the territory between Verbano Cusio Ossola and Novara for 11 years and joining European initiatives.
It is part of MakPi (making Piemonte), the Network of Fablabs and Innovation Poles in Piemonte. In addition to sharing skills and equipment in the laboratory, it carries out training activities for schools and companies.

Data updated on 2024-10-12 - 5.53.47 am