Exhibitors 2023

Robotic sorting plant - controlled by PLCs via WEBapp

Robotic sorting plant - controlled by PLCs via WEBapp

The system, based on a Scorbot Er3 robotic arm and a Fishertechnik education kit, sorts different incoming materials by colour, weight ans size, thrugh different processes. The automation, controlled by S7-1200 PLCs, and supervised by a S7-1500 controller, is managed by an operator through an HMI display or through a webApp. It can be used to reach optimization and sustainability goals. The PLCs are able to manage a wide variety of information.

Robotic sorting plant - controlled by PLCs via WEBapp

Autori: prof. Luciano Maggi, studente Matteo Grena e Christian Persizza - classe 5^EA indirizzo elettrotecnica dell’Istituto Superiore “Pietro Paleocapa” di Bergamo –

The workgroup belongs to the 5EA of ITIS Paleocapa Bergamo (Electric branch). The 19 students of the class have helped in first steps of the project and in the assembly phase. The authors (the two students and the teacher) took care of code development, documentation and final setup.

Data updated on 2025-01-24 - 2.29.22 pm