Exhibitors 2023

Rome Technopole

Rome Technopole

Rome Technopole is an ecosystem comprising universities, research institutions, industries, and administrative bodies in Regione Lazio. Its core mission is innovation and sustainable development. Through activities and educational materials, it fosters knowledge dissemination and promote a culture of innovation. A series of examples will be presented during the Fair, including experiences on light properties based on laser-cut plexiglass, DNA and RNA models illustrating protein synthesis, games exploring quantum mechanics and other scientific principles.

Rome Technopole

Rome Technopole Spoke 5 CNR

Fabio Chiarello, physicist, CNR researcher. Scientific interests: quantum technologies, superconducting electronics, game based learning. Active in science dissemination with lectures, workshops and projects with schools. Author of educational games, science events and of the book "L'Officina del Meccanico Quantistico".

Data updated on 2024-10-09 - 10.29.41 pm