Exhibitors 2023

Result for TAG "Games"

- Nikhil Deshpande - Jesus Ortiz - Carlo Canali

Advanced Technologies for Fall Mitigation and VR-based Interactive Training for Workers Working at Heights

  E12 (pav. 5E.12)


AMELIE: a communication software for Rett Syndrome children requiring only a computer, an eyetracker and a smartphone.

  A8 (pav. 6A.08)

gruppo fermodellistico tartaruga

Our project brings the "modern" world of electronics into model railways, which otherwise would remain a hobby "from other times": we project it into the future.

  H19 (pav. 3H.19)

Valeria Cattoni, Margherita Gaviraghi, Bernis Kaplan, Simone Longo

Ball Launcher Game for children (5-6 years), Launched by Arduino

  I12 (pav. 3I.12)

Co-Founder: Enrico Coviello, Marco Tedesco

Besteam is a football Metaverse, based on NFT. The goal is to translate real football into virtual football through the blockchain system.

  B20 (pav. 7B.20)

Manuel Bottini

Dive into a new world like never before with our Bodynodes sensors!

Fabrizio Vallongo, Cristian Vieri

Company that produces beer and organizes the largest circuit of padel events for both amateurs and famous people such as Italy Padel Tour BOMBEER

  F1 (pav. 7F.01)

Lars Oberhofer, Katerina Koleva, Magda Żukowska, Heïdi Sainte-Catherine and Riccardo Calcagno

Brailly is a 3D-printed, interactive cube that transforms Braille learning into a fun and easy activity.

Armando Elefante

Cosplus is a team of artists who embody refined futuristic aesthetics in their wearable creations, using 3D printing and vacuum-forming.

Giovanni Sannino - Luca Di Capua - Roberto Di Maggio

The innovation of our business project lies in the creation of a fully customisable racket. The racket is a blank canvas where the player can decide to customise it down to the smallest detail, making his racket unique in design.

  D10 (pav. 7D.10)

Cybersecurity National Lab CINI & Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca

An Escape Room to raise awareness about cybersecurity: prevent a cyber attack from the evil Nerd Corporation together with your team of ethical hackers!

  F6 (pav. 5F.06)

Simone Donnari

Immerse Yourself in the World of Comics and Become Your Favorite Character!

  C21 (pav. 5C.21)

Stella Uzochukwu-Denis

Revolutionize education with interactive game-based learning! Experience innovative tools bridging the digital divide, and empowering students through fun. #EdTech #Innovation #MakerFaire" (247 characters)

Progetto ENACT

Exergames for Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis

  E1 (pav. 5E.01)

Valentina Segnalini, Gabriele Pollastrini

Flippy is an engaging game for visually impaired children that stimulates movement, coordination, and inclusion through sounds and tactile interactions.

Massimiliano Ferrari - RetroMaximo

Replica of the "flux capacitor" from "Back to the Future"

  G2 (pav. 3G.02)

Oleksandr Poliakov, Anastasiia Selina

Reincarnation of "Battle City" in the real world, with the addition of some high-tech stuff - FPV & IoT

  G7 (pav. 3G.07)

First year Game developers and Cybber security expert

"Games Bond" is a multimedia experience of the "serious game" type whose objective is to raise user awareness of the security issues we face on a daily basis.

  G3 (pav. 6G.03)

Angelica Tufi e Romualdo Lodovici

How the environment in which one is found affects the sensory perception of food/products

  F3 (pav. 4F.03)

Giancarlo PELLIS

Device for training balance in an autonomous, fun and motivating way

  B2 (pav. 7B.02)

Amico Gandolfo, Dolce Emanuele, Frisina Calogero, Runza Alessandro, Turco Michele - ITET “Rapisardi-Da Vinci” - Caltanissetta

Who will rescue Hangy? Just guess the mysterious word, but remember! If you make a mistake Hangy will lose a part

IIT Dynamic Legged Systems lab

IIT's quadruped robots in action

  E2 (pav. 5E.02)

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Cutting-edge prototypes, from artificial intelligence to immersive reality, digital making and gaming, and others activities of the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.

MindsHub APS

An app for taking care of the environment while having fun

  G10 (pav. 8G.10)

Avelon Bardhi, Pietro Chillè, Giorgia Grilli, Francesco Tuzzi

A game designed to help teach children about sustainability and waste recycling through a fun challenging game.

Susanna Cattaneo, Alberto Carugo, Giulia De Gois, Andrea Delaini

La giusta via is a fun game that teaches children general knowledge and gestures.

  I10 (pav. 3I.10)

Responsabile scientifico: Daniele Calisi. Con: Stefano Botta, Alessandro Cannata. Grazie all’aiuto di: Lorenzo Carbonari, Matteo Durante, Michela Di Seri, Marco Peperoni Romano

Terragni in Rome: three never completed projects for Via dell'Impero. VR for the immersive representation of the virtual architectural space.

Maker Camp, Marco Vigelini

Explore, learn, and grow with Maker Camp's educational labs! We fuse Minecraft, Roblox, Splatoon, Super Mario and simracing into unforgettable learning experiences

  MAKERCAMP (pav. 8)

Castiglione Carola, Cappiello Mattia, Frova Giacomo, Macciachini Mattia

A game that aims to enhance fine motor skills, logic, observational abilities, creativity and that teaches the child balance.

Sartorato Caterina, Vanini Fabiana, Maistri Gabriele, Gorra Elisa

Macro-Micro allows you to learn fundamental categories and their subcategories through an immersive experience of images, opening children's minds to discovery.

  I14 (pav. 3I.14)

Pierfrancesco Panunzi

Now you can do incredible magical effects with little expense and lots of inventiveness using only Arduino and App Inventor (Android) and 3D print.

  C24 (pav. 3C.24)

Leonardo Guidoni, Davide Ubaldi, Silvia Baccaro, Antonella Malatesta

A real videogame to learn Math by playing. It is suitable for kids (8-12) and their innovative teachers.

Jack Daly

A palm-sized Build-Your-Own arcade cabinet made entirely from PCB

  B15 (pav. 8B.15)

Mind Room Lab s.r.l.

VR apps for concentration in Sports

  A1 (pav. 7A.01)

Marco Aguzzi

MyPoint is an electronic system that allows players to manage and share the score independently during a padel, tennis, beach tennis and Pickleball game.

  D12 (pav. 7D.12)

Alunni della classe 3C del Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta di Foggia

The project intends to recycle old toys making them robotic through microcontrollers that allow them to be reused in a fun and creative way.

Claudio Gasparini

Build Your Own Cardboard Robot #OttoCardy made with both Arduino and micro:bit that is an example of creative robotics at a very low cost.

  D13 (pav. 5D.13)


Adults academy Club membership campaign Clinic 2/3 days

  D1 (pav. 7D.01)

Lino Pellecchia

We propose and create solutions for the construction or redevelopment of educational spaces, outdoors and indoors.

  E1 (pav. 7E.01)

GenB, BlueMissionMed

Discover green and blue economy, for a sustainable and healthy Planet.

Giuliana Lantino, Lorenzo Gallone e Valerio Cianfrocca

Enter the Game. Enter History!

  D1 (pav. 8D.01)

Classe BioqualTECH22 - Fondazione Vita

The project that we will bring to Rome for Maker Faire is called "Question of Chemistry" and it is the same project that won the first place in the category of "Immersive Technologies" of the ITS 4.0 project. The primary aim of our project was to find an innovative training solution capable of stimulating the curiosity of children , making the learning of scientific subjects a unique experience. The project was developed by our class of students of the course "BioqualTECH22".

  D15 (pav. 6D.15)

Associazione Insert Coin APS

Let's discover the history of video games through interactive stations with the most iconic consoles and historic video games

  E2 (pav. 8E.02)


HAN-GAR CHANGE YOUR IDEA OF COVERAGE: innovative, eco-sustainable with a modern and attractive design.

  D6 (pav. 7D.06)

Segmento Futuro

Unleashing empathy through new media languages

  G13 (pav. 8G.13)

Giovanni Ammirati, Luca Cernia, Emanuele Lauro, Davide Ferrauto

Sigma is a controlled environment where players take the role of citizens in a virtual world and evolve their characters.

Centonze Simone, Costa Eugenio, Graci Edoardo, Zuccoli Fabio.

Space treasure hunt! team up to unearth all the hidden aliens and win the game

Studio Quadro Quantico

A space to interact and explore our projects.

  G8 (pav. 8G.08)

Flavia Seno - Spesabus

Challenge your friends and your senses by playing with tasting boxes of typical products directly from small farms

  F1 (pav. 4F.01)

Stefano Matarrelli

Increase sales in the paddle and pickleball sports sector

  E4 (pav. 7E.04)
Data updated on 2024-09-09 - 10.54.41 pm
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