Participating in Maker Faire Rome 2023 was a rewarding experience for Team HULKs. Collaborating with fellow robotics enthusiasts and showcasing our soccer-playing robots allowed us to exchange ideas and explore the latest advancements in the field. Maker Faire serves as a valuable platform for us to share our passion for robotics and engage with a diverse community of makers. We look forward to future Maker Faire events as opportunities to continue learning and innovating in the realm of humanoid robotics.
Exhibitors 2023
Result for TAG "Recycling & Upcycling"
Digital infrastructure promoting circular, resilient, and digitally-based mode of production, grounded in the collaboratively developed and globally shared data as commons on the web.
Loreti Matteo, Piscitelli Francesco, Bujar Cani, Bernabucci Daniel, Kdib Younes, Apollo Ivan
make drinking water accessible to all with renewable energy in innovative ways
ITS D.E.Mo.S Academy 3D Flakes printing
"Our revolutionary project offers an affordable and eco-friendly 3D printer, promoting innovation and sustainability in sectors such as education and industry. Maker Faire Rome provides a key opportunity to share this vision and connect with the innovative community."
Beatrice Bocci
ACTA is an Eco-sustainable Collection, inspired by Etruscan history, in a contemporary and genderless vision.
Studenti e studentesse dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste
Two rooms inside the university: An office to design, a construction site to build. And then the sea to experiment.
Autonomous, inexpensive and sustainable rover for beach litter cleanup and environmental monitoring.
Marcella Stilo
Cartalana is an independent brand of jewellery inspired by Nature, creations is entirely handmade from paper in Italy.
Medaarch - in collaborazione con WASP e Lab Mec
"Digital Fabrication for the Renaissance of Made in Italy At Maker Faire Rome 2023 the Center for Digital Craftsmanship by Medaarch, the space dedicated to Manufacturing 5.0 for the enhancement of future talents."
Luca Potente - Silvio Potente
Cycled You creates a circular economy directly for the end user who is the one who uses that tyre, lives it, makes it unique. We give it a second life!
David Braccini
Dotzero, a Tuscan sneaker startup, revolutionizes the industry through upcycling, creating a recyclable and everlasting shoe.
IIS. G. Vallauri - Fossano (CN)
E-chopper, the retrofit of a motorized vehicle for sustainable mobility while remaining comfortably seated.
IISS F. Petrocelli Moliterno (PZ) Prof. D' Onofrio Vito Antonio, Prof Luigi Ivano Vasta.
The project has characteristics based on the culture of recycling and eco-sustainability. Thanks to the technology of brushless motors electrically powered by lithium-ion batteries, recycled from old computers, and regenerated by the students of the institute. Machine Learning associated with (AI) can be trained to recognize and interpret road signs to assist people with disabilities.
Riccardo Pedone, Gabriele Di Blasi - classe 4BE dell'ITIS Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica - Istituto Scolastico Enzo Ferrari di Susa (TO)
FideLIS: an eco-sustainable robot able to make art and museums inclusive through LIS.
Classe 4K di Elettronica e Automazione e 5M di Informatica dell'ITI Galileo Ferraris di Napoli
Automa, eco-sustainable and ecological that aims to combat the pollution of marine ecosystems through the use of artificial intelligence and a cutting-edge telecommunications network.
Time4child, ENEA, World Food Programme, CNR, Arci Solidarietà, Sea Shepherd, Fondazione Jane Goodall.
A sustainable society is made up of many ingredients: inclusion, technology, health, research, rights and clean energy.
Experience Lab 2 (pa
Enactus UniTs
Give it a longer life! The shared rental platform promoting sustainability and responsible sharing of objects
marco magliozzi
Glimoire® creations are born from the passion for objects from the past. The processing takes place in several phases, with the use of semi-precious metals and specific techniques of craftsmanship.
Restaino Domenico, Bruno Maddalena, Orlando Imma, Maggio Giovanni, DeCarlo Donatella, Schiavone Valentino and Bellettieri Vincenzo
Experiment smart and green processes for farms that are also economically sustainable
Sergio Scarcelli
A multidimensional and immersive installation, a tribute to Pablo Picasso in the 50th anniversary of his death. A manifesto against the wars curatorship by Riscarti
Andrea Mullineris
The World’s First iPhone Case that you can Plant after use from which you can see flowers and plants grow
H2 (pav. 4H.02)
MindsHub APS
An app for taking care of the environment while having fun
Maria Clelia Scuteri
Invaerso challenges the limits of the conventional world through a unique and innovative supply chain to create non-ordinary jewels that have the ability to leave a significant and profound mark.
Avelon Bardhi, Pietro Chillè, Giorgia Grilli, Francesco Tuzzi
A game designed to help teach children about sustainability and waste recycling through a fun challenging game.
Polito Sailing Team
A boat made of recyclable and sustainable materials aiming lightness and performance.
Marco Baruzzo e Carlo Fonda
By re-using a water fountain we built a "Wilson's Cloud chamber" particle detector, come and enjoy electrons and muons!
Cristina Panti, Matteo Baini, Maria Cirstina Fossi (Università di Siena). Stefania di Vito, Elisa Scocchera, Marzia Mattioli (Legambiente)
Life MUSCLES, circular innovations to protect the sea
Matteo Di Troia, Andrea Bachini, Multiconnect, Alessandro Splendori e Manfredi Scanagatta. Come consulente tecnico la Reelco di Paolo Aliverti.
We have created Light Wheel, an open-source board that repurposes components from discarded scooters, reducing environmental impact. We present a prototype application for manual wheelchairs, offering low-cost autonomous mobility for disabled individuals. The board provides advanced functionality and safety features, including speed control, anti-tipping measures, alerts, and collision sensors. Our project promotes innovation, social well-being, and the versatile potential of Light Wheel.
Dr. Elisabetta Tomaino
The bioplastic that comes from the valorization of agro-industrial waste for food packaging with a vision of circular bioeconomy
Nicholas Cicuzza Mattia Scarselletta coordinati dal professor Martino Pasquale Itis Don Giuseppe Morosini di Ferentino
Towards the agriculture of the future: a new method, a new way of working
MaCh3D is a smart Material Testing platform aimed to speed-up and democratize material testing moving it outside laboratories directly to industrial production or makers/students/innovators' desks.
IIS "Verona Trento" di Messina
refitting of disused materials for the construction of an electric vehicle with microcontroller management systems
Isabella Pisano e Antonino Biundo
With a creative scientific and culture approach MICRO4BIO project aims to promote the impact of biotechnology on everyday life.
Enrico Saccone
Amazing cardboard furniture! Beautiful, eco-friendly, and easy to make.
Castelli International School, Rome Grade 8
Biofabrication at Castelli International School. Replace plastic with a sustainable material that grows on agricultural waste to make a lamp
Mylène Cave, marquetry & wood art - arts & crafts
Wood veneers inlays hand-crafted to make illustrations, custom board games and pregnancy ultrasounds as thin as lace.
Create and manufacture new products by reusing by-products of company processes such as: Cardboard, MDF, Chipboard, all FSC certified.
Alunni della classe 3C del Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta di Foggia
The project intends to recycle old toys making them robotic through microcontrollers that allow them to be reused in a fun and creative way.
G6 (pav. 8G.06)
Alberto Alessandrini
portable safe from recycled plastic materials, with the use of used fishing nets
Luigi Spera
Padel Trend "Future" is an innovative laboratory of ideas linked to the promotion and development of the sport of the moment and its applications in the digital and technological fields
Khaled Megahed CEO and Business Development Manager,Dr M.Nazmy Co-Founder e CTO
RML (Rome Mobility Link) unites sustainable transport, school management, and accessibility through innovative RFID wearables and cloud connectivity.
Mirko Tumbiolo & Simone Fusco
We make your desktop finally portable: the revolutionary backpack that lets you take the power you need with you, everywhere
C17 (pav. 3C.17)
GenB, BlueMissionMed
Discover green and blue economy, for a sustainable and healthy Planet.
Medere s.r.l.
Custom-fit and sports 3D-printed insoles with green materials for sustainable and comfortable foot orthotics, reducing environmental impact.
PLASTICDRAWN with the help of 3D FDM printing, aims to raise awareness of the recycling of plastic packaging
Università Roma Tre - Laboratorio Prototipi - Urban Retree
A space of interaction, made of upcycled components, free to assemble and disassemble live
Ivan Martini
Precious Plastic Torino deals with the recycling of plastic at a domestic level through self-built machinery.
IIS Giorgi-Woolf (RMIS121002), classe 4Bs, autori: Andrea Bianchi, Mattia Esposito, Davide Giardino, Emanuele Masini, Giulio Mischi , docente: Benedetta Macina, Angela Testa Piccolomini
The greenhouse is designed for environments where the growth of vegetation is hostile or specific periods of the year where climatic conditions do not allow it.
3CE _ ITIS "G.Galilei"_IIS Pontecorvo
This is a project about an intelligent system which, through an IoT application, makes waste collection more efficient and smart
Arash Moazenchi, Marco Oliva, Matteo Villani
Rcoffee recycles and turns coffee grounds into a biomass,the first product will be pellets