Exhibitors 2024

Insetti, le Proteine del Futuro!

Insetti, le Proteine del Futuro!

What is the context of your innovation?
In the current context of climate crisis and problems related to the consumption of traditional meat, there is a growing need to find sustainable and nutritious food solutions. For years, FAO has recommended insects as an extraordinary alternative source of high-quality natural proteins with low environmental impact.

What is your project about?
Small Giants' challenge is to make us Westerners fall in love with edible insects too. Crackers with cricket flour, pure insect flours, pasta, protein bars and whole flavored insects: all Small Giants products are ideal for those looking for a good, nutritious and sustainable meal or hunger-stopper!

What are the next steps?
We at Small Giants were among the very first in the sector, both in Italy and in Europe, and we continue to innovate by always offering new, healthy and protein-based products, based on insect flour that can boast unique nutritional values: high content of complete proteins , vitamins and minerals.

Insetti, le Proteine del Futuro!

Small Giants Team

Il nostro è un team giovane e dinamico, tutti accomunati dalla passione per l'innovazione sostenibile e la convinzione che il futuro dell'alimentazione passi attraverso soluzioni nuove e rispettose dell'ambiente. Il progetto di Small Giants è nato nel 2020 dopo che, a seguito di viaggi nel sud-est asiatico, i fondatori Edoardo Imparato e Francesco Majno si sono avvicinati agli insetti come fonte proteica alternativa, più sostenibile e ugualmente nutriente e gustosa.

Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 9.44.13 am