Exhibitors 2024

Automathaus - Open Source Domotic System

Automathaus - Open Source Domotic System

What is the context of your innovation?
Automathaus is aimed at anyone who wants to have greater control and understanding of the devices used in their home. Currently, many home automation solutions available on the market offer automation features, but often lack transparency and direct control from users.

What is your project about?
Unlike other Open Source solutions, the Automathaus source code is extremely minimal and simple to understand, so that anyone can use it as a basis to build their own home automation system.
It is a solution for anyone who wants to use an open source system and wants to fully learn how it works.

What are the next steps?
At the moment the project is in full development, for now the firmware is almost complete, the server is under development and as regards the App the graphic aspect is complete, the only thing missing is integration with the server.

Automathaus - Open Source Domotic System

Lorenzo Franceschelli

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 11.40.19 pm