Exhibitors 2024



Climate change, farmers are facing issues ,RobotSave-Gebox provide a farm bot embedded with various sensors to collect soil and weather data from agricultural soil and then send it over Lorawan to the server for quick analysis and prediction with the result describing the probability of production of each type of crop corresponding to the soil and precise location, fertility knowledge of the soil with the suitable condition needed to have a good productivity yield( amount of water needed, type of natural fertiliser to use) in real-time through an end-user mobile and pc application interface.


RobotSave Gebox

I built a connected greenhouse in the past and a weather payload radiosonde to collect weather data, install a weather station and provide decentralised data using IOT LoraWan to my communities (Stakeholder: Farmer in particular). I am currently in my end-of-year studies at the National Advanced School and Research of Caen, France studying system-embedded electronics engineering and I have a double bachelor's degree in Mechatronics and radiocommunication. I became maker through my passion for electronics and robotics.

Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 11.40.20 pm