Exhibitors 2024

Green City Logistics: be the change!

Green City Logistics: be the change!

What is the project about?
Our innovation applies to the context of urban freight transport, a crucial sector for urban liveability with significant environmental, social and economic impacts. It is aimed at citizens, policy makers, students and professionals interested in improving urban sustainability. Today this sector causes pollution and congestion.

Where did you get the idea?
The main innovations of our project are the "gamification" of a complex topic such as urban freight transport, as well as the development of software that helps to identify compromise solutions to make this sector sustainable in Rome.

How did you transform the idea into a real project?
On the one hand, gamification has recently guaranteed excellent results in terms of dissemination. On the other hand, the software in question (L-3D Choose) is currently used in the "Living Lab" context in collaboration with Roma Città Metropolitana.

Green City Logistics: be the change!

Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, Riccardo Lozzi, Gabriele Iannaccone, Riccardo Erriu

Il Transport Research Lab ha una solida esperienza nella gestione di progetti sulla mobilità urbana, avendo partecipato a vari progetti europei e nazionali. Attualmente, stiamo supervisionando un progetto PRIN, noto come PULSe, e il progetto Horizon 2020, MOVE 21 (https://move21.eu/). Il nostro team è composto da due professori, Gatta (statistico) e Marcucci (economista), e tre dottorandi, Lozzi, Iannaccone ed Erriu, che collaborano con il Transport Research Lab (TRElab) dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre.

Data updated on 2025-01-18 - 6.13.54 pm