Exhibitors 2024

RomaTre: innovazione di Infrastrutture e Trasporti

RomaTre: innovazione di Infrastrutture e Trasporti

What is the project about?
The possibilities of modern technologies for surveying, tracking and classifying vehicular and pedestrian flows. Analyze digital models of linear transport infrastructures also using cutting-edge technologies such as VR viewers.

Where did you get the idea?
The project was born from the desire to illustrate the technologies available to the Road Infrastructure and Transport laboratories of Roma Tre University. The use of instrumentation for the survey, tracking and classification of vehicular and pedestrian flows integrates the digital modeling of transport infrastructures

How did you transform the idea into a real project?
In the context of the digitalisation of transport infrastructures, in addition to the design and construction phases, the operation management phases are also involved with particular regard to aspects related to road safety of vehicles and pedestrians

RomaTre: innovazione di Infrastrutture e Trasporti

Gruppi di ricercatori di Infrastrutture Viarie e Trasporti, Dipartimento DICITA, Roma Tre

Ricercatori universitari

Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 11.09.00 pm