Exhibitors 2024

Air pollutants monitoring by remotely sensed data

Air pollutants monitoring by remotely sensed data

Handing, processing and analyzing data of pollutant elements in the Rome area, from 1999 to the present, acquisition from ESA IoT air quality devices (Air Quality Platform-AQP) and official ARPA stations with the evaluation of their correlation with the time-space co-localiting with EO satellite data of Sentinel-5P. Machine Learning - Catboost algorithm - to reconstruct the correlation between the change in average nitrogen dioxide values in 2024 over the Rome area detected by ARPA and Sentinel-5P stations.

Air pollutants monitoring by remotely sensed data

Valeria Pia Vevoto - Massimiliano Ferrante - Francesco Mauro - Silvia Liberata Ullo

Our team is mainly composed of researchers from the University of Sannio and a member from the phi-lab of ESA ESRIN in Frascati. With the phi-lab we have an ongoing collaboration on several other projects since 2019.

Data updated on 2025-02-19 - 9.53.57 pm