Exhibitors 2024

Call for payload

Call for payload

What is the context of your innovation?
The context was born in the world of space modeling, with rocket design, to help students finalize their scientific experiments with real sounding rockets on a smaller scale than what happens in the private aerospace world or large national bodies.

What is your project about?
In offering students the opportunity to launch their scientific experiments built in school at high altitude, via rockets

What are the next steps?
The project is ready to be put into practice, after having carried out teaching sessions at institutes with small complete courses to teach what challenges must be implemented to design and launch small rockets.

Call for payload

Italian Rocketry Society

Siamo 3 tecnici che da molti anni progettiamo razzomodelli, studiamo propulsione a reazione e utilizziamo tecnologie per il fine missilistico scientifico pacifico. Abbiamo effettuato corsi presso scuole, istituti tecnici ed universitari sulla progettazione di razzi. Abbiamo effettuato conferenze sulla storia della missilistica, delle invenzioni relative ai razzi e partecipato a mostre e manifestazioni specializzate.

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 3.07.13 am