Exhibitors 2024

Il pendolo e la meraviglia

Il pendolo e la meraviglia

What is the project about?
I will show how apparently different objects I have constructed such as pendulums, harmonographs and laser audio systems give rise to surprisingly similar phenomena, and I will show how a mathematical object known as the "Lissajous figure" allows you to literally see this unexpected similarity with your own eyes. .

Where did you get the idea?
From the desire to do live scientific dissemination. I chose this theme because of the extraordinary beauty of the Lissajous figures that can be drawn with the harmonographs that I built, and which build a bridge between Science and Art that everyone can grasp.

How did you transform the idea into a real project?
I have created the exhibition over the years, adding a new piece with each new Maker Faire. The inspiration came from the dynamics of wonder that I saw triggered thanks to the first installations of my vertical plotter and how these made people very receptive to my explanations.

Il pendolo e la meraviglia

Antonio Ianiero

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 1.59.23 am