Exhibitors 2024

Turbina Palamara - L'ALA

Turbina Palamara - L'ALA

What is the context of your innovation?
At a global level, electricity production is characterized by a very high consumption of fossil fuels, with an extremely small share of renewable energy sources.
In this context, the need to resort to sustainable and accessible energy production and consumption systems, even in urban areas, appears clear.

What is your project about?
The ALA uses completely innovative technology; This derives from its new configuration, which makes the technology in question capable of exploiting at the same time the lift and resistance forces with respect to the flowing wind (even the moderate one) and allowing its use in any territory and climate, including the urban context .

What are the next steps?
We currently have several turbine models of various sizes, fully functional and essentially ready for series production. We are looking for collaborators and financiers for its creation and placing on the market.

Turbina Palamara - L'ALA

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Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 11.45.43 pm