Exhibitors 2024

2024: Odissea nell'Olfatto, by Neuroscent

2024: Odissea nell'Olfatto, by Neuroscent

NEUROSCENT is a project for the study of objective olfactory capacity and gustatory evaluation using Machine Learning classification of EEG measurements. In practice, EEG signals acquired through a wearable electroencephalographic device are wirelessly transmitted for real-time analysis during sensory stimulation. NEUROSCENT provides real-time quantifiable assessments of olfactory-gustatory capabilities and brain waves evoked during such stimulation, representing valuable support in healthcare, the food industry, and environmental monitoring.

2024: Odissea nell'Olfatto, by Neuroscent

Giulio Cesare Passali, Mariaconsiglia Santantonio, Giuseppe Maulucci

Giulio Cesare Passali is an otorhinolaryngology specialist and adjunct professor at UCSC, with over twenty years of experience in olfactory pathophysiology. Mariaconsiglia Santantonio is an otorhinolaryngology and cervico-facial surgery specialist, and a senior researcher in the PNRR Neuroscent Project. Giuseppe Maulucci is an associate professor of applied biophysics at UCSC and leads the Metabolic Intelligence Lab, focusing on metabolism research using AI and machine learning for medical diagnostics and decision support.

Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 1.20.35 am