Exhibitors 2024



What is the project about?
Welcome to the residential neighborhood of Head Crane! You will try your hand at the role of a crane with the aim of building the tallest skyscraper in the city, but be careful, inconveniences are around the corner: you will have to build above a seismic zone with the exclusive use of your head to move and place the various blocks.

Where did you get the idea?
It was born as a moment of conviviality to be experienced with your friends or family! But not only that, it also wants to bring a social message aimed at telling a story: the relationship between seismic events and constructions. Made with different technologies and materials: CNC milling, FDM and SLS 3D printing, laser cutting.

How are creativity, technology, ingenuity and innovation combined in your project?
Our project represents the creativity and ingenuity of each of us. We tried to make the most of the technologies used by making them emerge from our project. The innovation emerges in the different interaction that the user has with the game: the use of his own head, thanks to a band with a hook, to build the skyscraper.


Federica Brini, Aurora Lupatini, Irene Beretta, Federico Beghi

Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 10.39.11 am