Exhibitors 2024

Irrigazione intelligente e sostenibile

Irrigazione intelligente e sostenibile

What is the context of your innovation?
Traditional irrigation requires the physical presence of the farmer to manually monitor and regulate water flows, while 4.0 irrigation systems allow remote valve control. With Irriga-Smart the system can be totally automated to optimize the use of water and the farmer's time.

What is your project about?
Automation in I-S is the maximum expression of irrigation 4.0: it allows you to rationalize the use of water, adapt to climate changes, optimize times and reduce management costs. I-S is innovative as it does not require soil moisture probes because it is based on the input-output balance of the soil-plant-atmosphere system.

What are the next steps?
I-S is an already consolidated project: the technology has been tested in the field for several irrigation seasons. We can bring numerous application experiences to very different contexts: industrial tomatoes in Sardinia, fruit growing in Piedmont, rural horticulture in Senegal. We are currently field validating the wireless version.

Irrigazione intelligente e sostenibile

3a Srl

Data updated on 2025-02-17 - 11.54.41 am