Exhibitors 2024

EnergyMe: Smart energy meter open source

EnergyMe: Smart energy meter open source

What is the context of your innovation?
Energy monitoring is increasingly essential and current solutions are often expensive or limited, with homes using smart meters that only provide aggregate data, and industries using complex systems. EnergyMe offers private individuals and SMEs an economical and intuitive alternative to monitor energy consumption in real time.

What is your project about?
My project is an open source energy meter based on the ESP32, which measures 17 channels in real time. It can be managed entirely locally or even in the cloud, which I offer as an additional service. It supports standard protocols such as HTTP REST API, MQTT and Modbus TCP, facilitating integration with existing systems.

What are the next steps?
EnergyMe - Home (single-phase designed mainly for domestic applications) is functional and ready for small-scale production.
For the future, the goal is to finalize EnergyMe - Industry for industrial three-phase loads and expand machine learning capabilities to extract as much information from electricity consumption.

EnergyMe: Smart energy meter open source

Jibril Sharafi

Ciao! Sono un ingegnere energetico di 25 anni e mi sono laureato al Politecnico di Milano nel 2022. La mia passione per l'elettronica è nata nel 2020 durante il lockdown con i progetti Arduino (un po' come tutti!). Oggi lavoro nel mondo dell'infrastruttura di ricarica per veicoli elettrici.
EnergyMe è nato dal desiderio di monitorare i consumi di casa mia e del mio impianto fotovoltaico, assieme alla passione per l'acquisizione dei dati e la data science. Il primo prototipo, creato a fine 2022, ha subito molte revisioni hardware e firmware fino ad arrivare alla versione attuale.

Data updated on 2025-02-12 - 9.21.46 am