Exhibitors 2024

CHANCE IT - Care and Health for Artists

CHANCE IT - Care and Health for Artists

What is the context of your innovation?
The incidence of autoimmune diseases in Europe (4 thousand cases per 100 thousand inhabitants) and 40% of Italians with at least one chronic disease. they significantly influence the quality of life and work. In Italy, around 200,000 people face autoimmune diseases, often with unsatisfactory treatments

What is your project about?
1 Offers an innovative look at the concept of "limit"
2 Promote dialogue:
-Between researchers, artists and the medical area; artists with chronic and/or autoimmune diseases, unions and work environment
3 Raise awareness among cultural institutions and create new professional realities that take into account the physiological-working rhythms of these artists

What are the next steps?
The project is in a phase of dissemination of the first years of research (neuroscientific, somatic and artistic) through which we have arrived at a clear and usable methodology. In the near future (as soon as funds are available) a second phase of further in-depth research will begin.

CHANCE IT - Care and Health for Artists

Mizar Gaia Astrid Tagliavini - team "e.artES cum panis"

Mizar Tagliavini:
Regista-coreografa,laureata all'Opera di Parigi
Direttrice Artistica
Docente metodo Feldenkrais ha studiato hanno gli effetti della neuroplasticità sul movimento e sul dolore cronico
Ideatrice progetto di ricerca CHANCE IT
Operatore di teatro sociale
Counselor bioenergetico
Lo scorso anno ha affiancato al Maker Faire Giorgio Liberini, maker e scenografo IT della e.artES cum panis, compagnia da lei diretta la quale si occupa del connubio tra scienza ed arti.
Sarà presente Dafne Ciccola, collaboratrice di CHANCE IT, danzatrice, rolfer in formazione, insegnante pilates

Data updated on 2025-02-13 - 12.23.24 am