Exhibitors 2024

Result for TAG "Audio & Music"

Luciano Fumagalli

ANGELO: Audio for everyone. Open-source, affordable, customizable solution for hearing loss. A DIY hearing aid for grandparents, assembled by their grandchildren

Stefano Benedetti

Amplificatore per Chitarra a Valvole Total Recall


Gabriel Valentin Cristescu

Transforms spatial data into musical sounds and adjusts audio for better navigation and communication for the visually and hearing impaired.

AIKU research team

aiku is the research centre of Ca' Foscari University of Venice dedicated to the interaction between culture, creative processes, and entrepreneurship.

Emilio Destratis & Loris Caffaroni

The first tasting assistant for menus, food, and beverages, guiding guests through the discovery of the stories behind every flavor.

Il faro d'argento APS

casetta/nido per gli uccelli monitorata attraverso una telecamera ed un microfono nascosti che inviano su un sito web i dati di occupazione con suono e immagini

Gianluca Rotoni

Take a telephone of the old kind, the ones you could once find in every home. Then take an Arduino and a book by a great Italian children's writer. Et voila!

Achille De Santis e Alessandra De VItis

L’idea ci è venuta in mente assistendo ad un concerto. Abbiamo pensato di “colorare le note” aggiungendo una struscia RGB comandata da un pedale


HeretiX Technology

Multisensory stimulation system according to the snoezelen method managed by biofeedback taken from the plants present

Tommaso Santilli & Lorenzo Virgini (Centro TIncTec Unimc, RS: Catia Giaconi e Simone Betti).

An inclusive didactic installation on Kandinskij’s painting “Succession”. Discover our interactive and multisensory experience combining AR, art and music.


Esplora il futuro delle superfici di controllo con Mine S, una soluzione innovativa, modulare, versatile e personalizzabile, adatta a diverse applicazioni.

Data updated on 2025-02-14 - 12.44.41 am